Web Credibility Project

In 2002, the Project of Credibility Web of Stanford (Stanford Web Credibility Project) published the results of an investigation on the causes that they promote that the people acquire confidence or distrust when visiting a vestibule in Internet. Some of the questions of the investigation were: (1) What cause that the people create (or do not create) in the found thing in the Web? , (2) What factors of design influence this dynamics? , and other questions. From this investigation, ten (10) guides arose to construct the credibility of a vestibule. The guide #6 indicates: He designs your vestibule of such form that shines professional (or appropriate for its intention). We find that the people quickly evaluate a vestibule by their visual design only. When you design your vestibule, quick attention to the scheme, typography, images and consistency generally. The visual design of the vestibule must harmonize in order the vestibule.

The aesthetic one is fundamental if you wish to construct a vestibule that projects credibility. The aesthetic account! I share several ideas on like improving the visual aspect of your vestibule in: titles, subtitles, bottoms, graphs and other elements. Three fundamental factors of the scheme of a vestibule are; (1) Visual Hierarchy, (2) Visual Flow and (3) Group. 1. Visual hierarchy: The most important content of such form locates that stands out more. The less important content of such form locates that stands out less.

Some call to this strategy of design Optical Peso to him, which is used to decide that graphical elements will call plus the attention (having a greater optical weight) or as they will call except the attention (having less optical weight). 2.Visual flow: Which element of the vestibule draws attention mainly? , It is the title or the logo? , It will be a photo or the bellboys of showy colors? This main element will be the one that determines the visual flow of the vestibule and the focal point. From the focal point, the people will follow a route visual will captivate that them insofar as it is important, and then they will pay its attention. Like designer of pages Web, you must develop skills to design a visual flow that works. Your interest is that the visitor explores your vestibule. It will do since it, it is a combination of strategy and luck. Each person has unique characteristics that will determine the form in that your vestibule will sail. She tries to anticipate and intentionally to design the visual flow of the vestibule. 3. Group: A vestibule is made up of different objects (text, boxes, graphs, etc.). According to the experts in human conduct, the brain and the eyes react favorably to the order. It is thus, that the group of objects acquires importance. Some elements that cause order and group are: Position Agrupa the similar objects in color and dimension surrounds one of the other. This flame the attention of the visitor. Size and Color Utiliza similar colors and forms for each object. For example, it presents/displays four spheres with the same dimensions for the subjects: global heating, recycling, contamination of the water and wastes solids. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital may not feel the same. Of this form, the visual uniformity is promoted which is an important aspect of the good design of pages Web. Continuity Alinea the different visual elements from the page, such as: line, curves, and other forms, to direct the visual flow of the design.