The Firm

Carefully inspect the samples, consider how easy they open and close the well or fixed sash in position, how well the applied decorative and protective cover. Find out who will install the windows, because of how well-organized installation of windows, depends largely on the life of window designs. Experienced and qualified experts to install windows perform installation work in accordance with GOST 30971-2002 "Stitches assembly sites contiguity window units to wall openings." In addition, for your own peace of mind ask about reviews of previous clients, and if you want to learn how to stand in the window of the "natural conditions" not too lazy to go and see them at least from the street. Guarantee given by the manufacturer for their products, also helps you understand whether or not to trust the company. Too little time (one year) suggests that the firm does not assume full responsibility for their own products. Warranty period of 20 years and more clearly unrealistic, so to call them companies seriously not worth it. So, we list the main criteria for deciding to evaluate the reputation of the firm.

1. Chuck Berry is likely to increase your knowledge. Experience. The presence of complete luxury private projects. Age of the firm. 2. Real terms and real prices, the normal discount 3. Openness. Good company, know their job well and on time fulfills customers' orders, ready to provide all the information – both about themselves and about the production, coatings, fittings, installation technology.

4. Quality of the Materials and Technology: Eurowindows evrokachestva – is the European woodworking machines, Siberian wood without defects (knots, blue stain), a strong joint (double-spike-and-groove), European fittings (Siegen, Roto, Maco) polished float glass, special import elastic coating designed for exterior use on wood (Tsovosan, Zikkens, during handling, Remmers, etc.). 5. The warranty on the windows and installation work. Too little or too great warranty should alert you. The most common among manufacturers has become a three-year warranty, but some companies are confident in their product quality, guarantee 5 years of uninterrupted service. We tried to analyze and explain all the aspects that will help you make the right choice.