Tag: travel

Mitsubishi Space Star Side

There is the nearest to us consulate. What would like to advise: Be sure to call before you go – there are not visiting days. Documents we have handed over about 15 minutes. A week later came and for even shorter time got all our passports with visas ready. We have not asked a single question. So all those scare Schengen – do not believe.

We set out from Dnepropetrovsk May 9, 3:00 am at our limo called Mitsubishi Space Star. We – my husband, myself, my sister and her friend. I – the driver, her husband – the navigator. Four of them travel more fun and gasoline is not so noticeable. On the road we have not in a hurry, stop to eat and walk. Therefore, to Uzhgorod reached at 18.30, overcome the first 1174 km. In Uzhhorod, spent the night in the hotel Intourist Transcarpathia. Rooms are inexpensive, but excellent condition.

Recommended! In the evening our machine washed and went for a walk around the city. All very nice. Worth a look. Next day (May 10). At 6.40 am, who filled all the way, we drove to the border. The terminal is located right in the city, which is good news. From the Ukrainian side, we were alone! This provoked a stormy, and, of course, premature joy. On the Slovakian side have already been added, turn + shift change time-out. But everything went fine. We do not inspect, nothing more was not asked, stamped the passport, and we went on a first country of our route. All border occupied for 2.5 hours. They say it is not bad at all. Do not forget the lights! Penalties for not included lights are very decent. We, by the way, once the local police were stopped for what was included with the fog near light. This can be done only in severe weather and fog.

Russian Empire

Polish commanders decided to take possession of Vinnitsa sudden blow and sent here his avant-garde, led by cavalry Lyantskoryanskogo. But the Cossacks were well prepared for defense. Against the order Lyantskoryanskogo Bohun had sent a small cavalry detachment. After a short fight the Cossacks, pretended that they panicked retreat, and lured by the Polish cavalry in the ice hole into which were masked with hay. At this point, the Poles hit out of cannons and guns.

A large part of Polish cavalry, which fell in the hole, went under the ice, and after a determined counterattack forces Bohun was destroyed almost the entire squad Lyantstskoryanskogo. When I heard about the heroic defense of Vinnitsa, Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent to the aid of two regiments of Bohun. After that, the demoralized remnants of the Polish-hlyahedskih troops retreated to the Bar, and then – to Kamenetz-Podolsk. But after the war of liberation Pravvoberezhe remained part of the Bourgeois Poland, and Vinnitsa, together with all Podillya soon fell under the power of the Turkish sultan. More than two decades ruled by the Turkish oppressors here.

During this time the city was heavily damaged and almost completely devastated. When at the end of the XVII century Poland regained Podolia, it appeared that Vinnitsa degrodirovala hleboproizvodstvennyh to the position of the settlements. Only in the second half of XVIII century, it re-acquires the characteristic the city limits. Ongoing, devastating attacks of the Turkish-Tatar invaders and Polish-shlyahedskomu oppression ended in 1793, joining the right bank and left bank of Ukraine to the Russian Empire.

Yves Cousteau

Spacious san-Dec suitable for relaxing holidays. There are two hammocks in which to sleep with pleasant rocking – lulled. (For a more detailed description, see the section, “Boats,” and if you want to go on this boat safari – complete the form.) Now on Dive sites: Safari in the program includes a visit to the reef system of Light House Reef. A key point of this safari is the Blue Hole – one of the most amazing dive sites in Belize. Photos of Blue Hole, made from a helicopter, began calling Card dive sites in Belize for divers worldwide.

In the heart of a coral platform Light House Reef on the background of an emerald sea surface gapes deep blue hole diameter of 400 m and a depth of 145 m. This geological phenomenon was discovered Jacques-Yves Cousteau in 1970. during the expedition on his research vessel “Calypso”. Way “Calypso” in the space above the pool, “Hole” was held over the shallow part of the reef corals of the team and brought a lot of anxiety Cousteau minutes. Today, visitors of this site follow the route laid Commander. Today, the South entrance to the pool, “Holes” use small boats that bring divers from neighboring islands. Whereas the opposite side used for parking safariynyh yachts. Dive in and one in second place …

At a depth of about 40 meters under the peak, hovering over the abyss, one can observe the giant stalactites. There is a feeling that you in the midst of the colonnade of a Gothic cathedral. There are several versions of this natural phenomenon. On one of them, there was a big ancient coral reef. During the Ice Age and the retreat of water coast, it was the sea surface. Then the rains came, protochivshie in the reef limestone caves and formed the failure. Salts of calcium carbonate formed a supersaturated solution of water in the space of the cave and turned to minerals, forming a picturesque stalactites. Over time, the sea level rose, forming what can be seen now. According to another version, Blue Hole was formed as a consequence of the collapse of the ceiling giant underground dry caves space which was flooded by sea. Under the rules existing at the safariynyh sides in Belize, technical diving is “illegal.” Therefore, to find among the stalactites divers is not more than 7 minutes, which is not allows you to fully enjoy the contemplation of the beauties of Blue Hole. Nevertheless, the impressions received even in that short time, strong enough. At the same time, the dive in Blue Hole for trained technical diver presents significant challenges (but is of considerable interest.) Unfortunately, helium is not available in Belize, which limits the level of technical diving outside ER. It is also necessary to remember that boards are no “doubles”, and aluminum cans only have YOKE connectors. Thus, the “amateurs tinkering” gripper “on the spot” – a great space for creativity … In addition to Blue Hole, Light House Reef has many interesting places to dive. This Eagle Landing, Half Moon Wall, Tarpon Cave, Uno Coco, Que Brada, Aquarium, Painted Wall, Abyss West. The dives are mainly run along the steep vertical walls. During virtually nonexistent. Visibility of 30 meters. After the safari on a motor yacht , Legion Club ORCA continued their familiarity with Belize. Our route lay to the border with Guatemala, to the lost jungle haven for travelers’ Jaguar Paw.

International Air Transport Association

The Mafia, the Red Devil and the rifle – the name, more like a virtual gaming nicknames belong to very real airports. Offering cheap flights search Skyscanner.ru has a database of more than 10 000 airports. Having carefully reviewed the list, we found that the names of some of them sound at least unusual, and often – quite shocking. Many of the loveliest name to the Russian ear, sounds fun. For example, a combination of Wee UAA and Ward Ward seem more appropriate for a baby crib, but in fact so called two airports in Australia (Wee Waa, Waga Waga).

Whether a child's Counting, or the magical plot similar names Flin Flon, Mala Mala and Sabi Sabi – so named airports in Canada (Flin Flon) and South Africa (Mala Mala, Sabi Sabi). The worst is not some airports are extremely lucky to have names. The feelings of believers can be quite offended if they find out that flying to the airport Red Devil (Red Devil, USA). At least a light alarming names such as the Mafia (Mafia, Tanzania) and Slavish Lake (Slave Lake, Canada). Perhaps not the most pleasant association calls airport Alert (Alert) in those who Book flights to Canada, and Dead Horse airports (Deadhorse) and Rifle (Rifle) for those who are flying in the U.S.. The most ridiculous and obscene International Air Transport Association (IATA), whose headquarters is based in Montreal, awarded a three-letter unique code all airports of the world. For these codes of letters airlines and agencies recognize the airports in their systems – the code also states airline tickets and boarding passes.

Some of these three-letter combinations resemble well-known words, sometimes those you would not say if the children. Thus, the airport code Uenachi (Wenatchee) in the U.S. state of Washington is the EAT (eat), and Fresno Yosemite International Airport (Fresno Yosemite) is in system as FAT (fat). In this association Perm airport code assigned PEE, and the Brazilian Posusje de Caldas (Pocos de Caldas) – POO. Both words mean in English spravlenie natural needs. Not much luck and the U.S. Airport Butler (Butler) – IATA appointed a code BUM (soft spot). Zoo names separate category – it's name suggests, one way or another connected with the animals. For example, in U.S. airports have the names of Chicken, Fox and Duck (Chicken, Fox, Duck), as well as large Bear (Big Bear). In Canada, there are airports Goose Bay (Goose Bay), Whale Cove (Whale Bay) and some awesome elk Jaw (Moose Jaw). About Skyscanner Skyscanner – European leading search engine, gives users instant access to information on air fares, including tickets to Thailand, and the ability to compare prices at more than 670,000 destinations in more than 600 airlines around the world. Use Skyscanner enjoy monthly visitors from more than 200 countries.


In addition to these There are several dozen different kinds of pasta: rigatoni in relief, twisted fuzili, wide noodles taglyatelle, tubes for stuffing kanelloni only and is not listed. There is spaghetti with a length reaches two feet, and there is similar to butterflies Farfalle, perky bows foketti, shells konkile regatta, and even special noodles with a romantic name kapellini D'Angelo (angel hair). It is sold in special packaging – metal pot, and cook a fragile miracle to be very careful: a minute longer – and the finest gossamer can razvaritsya. Pasta and stuffed happens, for example, ravioli, lasagna or kanellonni – rectangular sheets of dough between which is placed a layer of meat, vegetables and seafood. All of these products in Italy, you can try with more than 20 kinds of toppings! And, of course, the obligatory spice to such dishes are a variety of sauces, chief among them – tomato and basil. To paste relies antipasto – an appetizer of cooked or raw vegetables, smoked meats, Ser, seafood. Antipasto is not opposed pasta: the prefix "anti" indicates only that the dish is served before eating. Pizza in Italy – it's a different story. It is produced in 200 variants: with seafood, meat, ham, mushrooms, tomatoes and, of course, the unthinkable combination of the most variety of cheeses. It just seems that in such splendor easy to get lost! True gourmets and connoisseurs of the national Italian dishes are able to identify the taste of all ingredients that are carefully selected experienced pizzaiolo (the so-called man in charge of baking the pizza).

Oak Tree Tract

But he felt a cold stone. However, in the evening after returning to the hotel, I once compared the feeling in both hands and noted with surprise that my right hand that lay on the dolmen was left a little easier! That it was a real effect or simply self-suggestion, I did not understand. BOUNDARY OAK THREE The next destination – the dolmens at Oak Tree Tract. From Adler Dagomys we reach, turn right and after 27 kilometers find ourselves in the village Solokh-Aul. Next to the "Lada" can not go, you need a Jeep. Where can I get it? So throw the car and continue on foot. Somewhere after mile it is clear that we are ill prepared for this hike. Road We crossed the rugged mountain stream and no transitions, and we are in running shoes.

And the rest of the clothing was almost summer. Nevertheless, we decided not to retreat. They took off shoes, pants rolled and went in the water. This summer, the creek and then cold, and there December …. But the main difficulty was to come.

On the eve of rains and the road was a terrible mess. Around this slime was almost impossible, because on the one hand she clung to the rock and the other was a chasm. We tried to pass on the sidelines, where as we thought was solid ground. But it turned out that it is not – there was mud even more, she just had a little podmerzla top.

Lenin Peak

I wish you guys a bunch of well to reach the second camp, and he himself has sat for ten minutes, admiring the beauty. Start blow from below. Yeah, I think, so not all is lost, and here is blowing up. Although visible over the top "flags" from the southwest. Do not curl the slope in this way? But I decide not to go into aerology depth of local mountains, but just take note. What is blowing up here and after 13-00 in good weather. How beautiful is this world, how dangerous! It turns out all those who planned to go up – have passed, and those who went to the "first", is also gone.

I one on the slope. Ahead of the most dangerous and wide cracks. I decide to jump over them with the stock, which he did. Was normal. At the bottom of the glacier, near the trail, saw something shiny. Dug – first aid kit.

Medicines English, dated 1991. Echoes of the tragedy … When he came to the camp, he found Andrew to be asleep: he got today. In the evening Andrew gathers laurels, and we long share our feelings. We decided to cut the program in favor of Lenin flights the mountains of Uzbekistan. And it means – tomorrow – in BC. As a conclusion we can say the following: slopes of Lenin Peak is almost suitable for gatherings on a paraglider. Starts are possible throughout the thread lift from first to third camp.

My Moments Of Reflection

These days, one of my moments of reflection, I had a moment of clarity while watching some old memories of friends. Amid the many thoughts of all at the same time, a point hit the door of my room, reserved for that moment of introspection. No, my niece called me to play, after all she did not hit the door, I will go and occupy the space that is yours. The question that bothered me, to merge several others, was: What happened to Joe Melo? "Who is this Manoel de Armando?" Joe Melon "was a man half crazy, Bob Marley fan and collector of beer , and more funny is that he does not drink. It was the kind of guy who, when traveling, not just a question of the shirt so that you only mentioned in the photos later.

By the way, take a picture of him was the best , I have never seen anyone so only tick if you leave oil to prosperity! "He liked to wake up early, even when traveling, and turn on the sound volume of the last meatball others. In fact, he hated to general principles, but this time is to admire the joy that you agree that, in contrast to Monday! This was the "Mane" large "Mane Melon." However, looking at some pictures, I found a recent one Jose Armando, all suits, proper posture, half embarrassed and with a wise air. Wow! Joe Melo is the "10 years later in our travels, what happened? That nice guy, crazy beauty, nature lovers, women and the good and bad jokes has become a man without grace, timid and half displaced people in the crowd.

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