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Pagerank, that object of desire after which all the Webmasters runs, with the illusion to increase it, is simply a complex mathematical calculation, used by Google to calculate the popularity of the Web sites. That is to say, the index, has looked for most objective possible, to know which site is more important, and to be able to grant some more or less logical hierarchy to him, to the ordering of the 3,000 million Internet sites that there is in the Network of Networks. In order to calculate pagerank, incoming Link is taken to each as a species of vote that the other sites of Internet do to that page. That is to say, whichever greater amount of incoming links has a site, higher his pagerank. Also they influence in pagerank the quality of links that goes to our site. Meaning that the more high he is pagerank of the sites that linkean to us, the more favorable it will be for our own pagerank. Thus, a single connection of quality can make a difference, as soon as improvements in our numbers significant.

All the links are not considered by Google. In first term, those links that are preceded by the attribute, do not count at the time of elaborating pagerank. This responds to a effort to control the Spam, and the little ethical ways that exist to try to influence in this index. This way, it does not agree to include in our site I connect towards penalized sites (whose pagerank is of zero) nor towards which farms of links are denominated , fraudulent created sites to generate incoming links. The sites that connect to us, cannot damage to us, but the sites to which we connected, if. But, why it serves really pagerank? When the lists are armed of natural results, that arise when somebody makes a consultation in Google, the seeking take into account two great groups of factors: the inherent ones to the page, controlable by the Webmaster. For example, the textual content of the page, tags that includes in the source code of the site, etc. and, the other great group of factors, is external elements to the page, like incoming links, and pagerank. Then, if we sell properties in Ibiza, and the consultation of a user is that in particular, we want to above go out listings good in the natural results. It is a fact of the life that does not serve to leave listing beyond page two, because the sites that leave well high in the list of natural results, since the possibility that is higher that lead (possible client) ends up closing its purchase with the first sites that sees listings.

Jenny War Hernandez

For it, a game search of the treasure can be presented/displayed where each student and student the English language must solve a series of tests using. 7 the pupils will realise a small individual test using Moodle to verify the real level of acquisition of the worked contents. 8 the students will review the initial questionnaire to autoevaluar their progresses and a dialogue between all the class will settle down to speak of the changes undergone in its perceptions and the attributions that, after the didactic experience, they do towards the learning of the foreign language. Linguistic competitions to develop by the students: * To put in practice metacognitivas strategies like self-evaluation and evaluation to learn of the own errors. * To use mental strategies as the note taking, organization of ideas and the independent practice of the skill. * To acquire affective strategies like the relaxation and the concentration in the task.

* To practice social strategies like the interaction with English people to organize, to evaluate and to practice the development in the use of the different skills. It is important to indicate that this type of methodology requires a high level of previous preparation on the part of the educational one, reason why is not necessary to be discouraged if the first experiences that carry out with the students and students are not since it had been planned. The way of the constructivism becomes like everything, working of continuous and collaborative form, leaning as much in the own experience as in the observations that do so much to us the students as the educational colleagues.

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