As a form to explain to the community these first results, the 15 of May the professor of cavalcades of the organization, Jorge Chacano Eagle, will realise a exhibition to the associated operators of Puyuhuapi to the Network of Rural Tourism, reunited in such date with the purpose of to evaluate tourist season 2009-2010. ” The cavalcades can be very perfectible, as much in the quality to the client like in improving the experience of the people who realise the activity in the Region of Aysn. The real impact in the local economy and environmental viability is aspects that worry to us. Villa Hill Castle in his totality, for example, wins with the accomplishment of the cavalcades, nevertheless these can be much better than they are at the moment, diversifying and professionalizing his products. Add to your understanding with Secretary of Agriculture. As they are being made nowadays there is much no future, and efforts are due to make to combine environmental viability with econmica” it indicates Vo. A clear example of the practical results of the initiative is the improvement in the standard of accomplishment of the advanced training courses. In addition, the acquisition and introduction of modern equipment and optimal level like helmets for cavalcades, the use of mounts of good quality for the comfort of the horse and the people, the use of more efficient tools for the shod work of of the animal, the use of portable electrical wall to make pastures in the sites of camping. ” We are safe we do a contribution to the development and professionalisation of the tourist activities of Aysn in many senses, those that we hoped to continue developing and sharing with local operators, making of Aysn a destiny who are different themselves from others not only by the landscapes but in addition by the quality to the services, the right relation with the animal, the care and protection of the environment, and an agreed social development to esto” it concludes the manager.. For even more details, read what Harold Ford Jr, New York City says on the issue.
Tag: the news
The Idea
The men are quite unconscious than he makes attractive. According to the majority of the women it is not his appearance that makes them attractive, is what they are and how they take place in the world. So this married man is going to work and he returns to house and he returns to work on the following day. In the work she is not this woman. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Josh Resnick Jericho Capital. It is unmarried, attractive, intelligent, able, speaks her language andsomeone who has time to pay attention to him. It begins like an innocent coqueteo. What happens through their mind is something as well as " We are going to see if I have still it! " reason why it begins to coquetear to only see what happens.
It is not a surprise, she responds when coquetear to coquetear by the back. This it is the beginning of the adventure. In its mind one feels flattered, he is funny and exciting and only a little wicked. What could be more inoffensive? I am m married. I " surely. I finish having a little diversion with this. Therefore, you continue. I have thinks that it can simply experience a little.
We are going to see how charming and creative that it can be. We are going to see if I can be able to this woman to fall in love with me. In its mind it is not to make trap. He has not made anything bad. At the outset, he even says to him to his wife about this woman. He speaks to him of the intelligent thing who is, or about some profits, usuallywhat did its announcement to him in firstplace. The spouses usually lose the first tracks. The idea of the effects of his single wife enla flirteo inoffensive not even to enter his brings back to consciousness. So the inoffensive coqueteo continues.
The Lack
Memory to a patient mine whom it related to me how at significant moments of its adolescent history, could not go to meet with its group and soon to behave with its pairs of the uninhibited way that showed their friendly, of way like began to always drink a beer before joining itself with its group and soon always it continued drinking so much to be able to participate in a conversation in the group, a joke, to remove to dance a girl, etc. until all realized that as he were so drunk, and could not stop drinking, I was being left me only and now with 32 years the unique thing that I have left is the work, and after him to go to a bar to drink until no longer giving more and thus to the tumbles to return to house. ilar findings. That is to say, in this one case of Oscar it is easy to realize as the lack of inhibition necessity takes to the consumption, but pseudo energy or possibility of interrelating and of obtaining what it understood at the time like the unique resource to be able to participate in the group, to find fianc2ee, etc., not only did not allow it took but it to that these friendly or known and known ended up moving away when he by own will could not leave the alcohol. It is important to understand that who has the addiction to the alcohol, has developed that it after a conduct to drink in systematic and continued form, arrives at a point that cannot stop doing it, that desire to drink or that search of the drink for the reason which it feels in the beginning that here it is to realize lack of inhibition for example that drinking produces to him, the energy, or to cheer up to speak, to say jokes, to participate, etc.
Web Credibility Project
In 2002, the Project of Credibility Web of Stanford (Stanford Web Credibility Project) published the results of an investigation on the causes that they promote that the people acquire confidence or distrust when visiting a vestibule in Internet. Some of the questions of the investigation were: (1) What cause that the people create (or do not create) in the found thing in the Web? , (2) What factors of design influence this dynamics? , and other questions. From this investigation, ten (10) guides arose to construct the credibility of a vestibule. The guide #6 indicates: He designs your vestibule of such form that shines professional (or appropriate for its intention). We find that the people quickly evaluate a vestibule by their visual design only. When you design your vestibule, quick attention to the scheme, typography, images and consistency generally. The visual design of the vestibule must harmonize in order the vestibule.
The aesthetic one is fundamental if you wish to construct a vestibule that projects credibility. The aesthetic account! I share several ideas on like improving the visual aspect of your vestibule in: titles, subtitles, bottoms, graphs and other elements. Three fundamental factors of the scheme of a vestibule are; (1) Visual Hierarchy, (2) Visual Flow and (3) Group. 1. Visual hierarchy: The most important content of such form locates that stands out more. The less important content of such form locates that stands out less.
Some call to this strategy of design Optical Peso to him, which is used to decide that graphical elements will call plus the attention (having a greater optical weight) or as they will call except the attention (having less optical weight). 2.Visual flow: Which element of the vestibule draws attention mainly? , It is the title or the logo? , It will be a photo or the bellboys of showy colors? This main element will be the one that determines the visual flow of the vestibule and the focal point. From the focal point, the people will follow a route visual will captivate that them insofar as it is important, and then they will pay its attention. Like designer of pages Web, you must develop skills to design a visual flow that works. Your interest is that the visitor explores your vestibule. It will do since it, it is a combination of strategy and luck. Each person has unique characteristics that will determine the form in that your vestibule will sail. She tries to anticipate and intentionally to design the visual flow of the vestibule. 3. Group: A vestibule is made up of different objects (text, boxes, graphs, etc.). According to the experts in human conduct, the brain and the eyes react favorably to the order. It is thus, that the group of objects acquires importance. Some elements that cause order and group are: Position Agrupa the similar objects in color and dimension surrounds one of the other. This flame the attention of the visitor. Size and Color Utiliza similar colors and forms for each object. For example, it presents/displays four spheres with the same dimensions for the subjects: global heating, recycling, contamination of the water and wastes solids. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital may not feel the same. Of this form, the visual uniformity is promoted which is an important aspect of the good design of pages Web. Continuity Alinea the different visual elements from the page, such as: line, curves, and other forms, to direct the visual flow of the design.
Euros Everything
In the city everything is gray, people watches with eyes sad because the joy of past times I am back, watch the showcases with distance, the salesmen are leaned in the counters with resignation face. The end of the tunnel is not seen, the sadness is clear, the commerce do not seem to attract like which there is lost part of his enchantment. We worry the Euros as if they did not go to make but, we watched the supplies repelando the money until the last penny, and looked for in the leisure a valve of escape for a difficult present, disillusioned of the politicians, of whom they say to guard by us. Soccer is the opium of the modern society while the cinemas are sad places where people look for American cinema not to meditate. Those that we fled from soccer and the politicians we plunged in readings not to fall in dejection. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital does not necessarily agree. While the time happens, there is no flattering news in the informative one to feel that everything is not bad.
Although September begins to take his first steps, the slab has not diminished in its weight. In the street a young person goes with a loaded knapsack of papers that are his curriculum to offer itself everywhere, the same makes a man of more age in another next street, while its head does not think today either was luck. His movable today they would not sound either with the flattering news, all the places undergo cuts of budget and that note in the hirings. While a seated greater man in bank with the shining eyes seems absent remembering better times, other people’s to which happens to its side. While a type to that they do not pay attention takes an old furniture for their house is not the times for wastes. And a boy pursues towards his mother telling him the happy thing that he has been in his first day of school, while she listens kindly, disguising who the month is thirty and who we only are in the first fortnight. One radio atrona alley and everything seems to be grayer and sadder, while a young person with a strange aspect rambles in bici by the sidewalk other people’s to everything with his earpieces emitting music rock and a bar waits for the entrance of clients, in a day that is no soccer party while the lights of the premises send winks to the outside. Two women take a walk speaking of their medical excuses and sigh hoping that the heat them of a breathing.
February People
And one of these things is to glide. Then, first that you are going to do it is a list of all the things that if they worked to you and another one list with all the things that did not work you in the 2009. And in the 2010 my recommendation it is that you continue doing everything what worked and you stop to you doing everything what did not work to you. This clearly! Secondly, it writes your goals. You do a list of all goals, your personal goals, your familiar goals, your spiritual goals, your professional goals, your goals of money for the 2010.
Because I believe that so that we are successful in the 2010 our life must be balanced in the personnel, relative, spiritual and the businesses. Then he writes all goals with pencil and paper. I explain to you why: In February of the year 2003 American newspaper the USA it presented/displayed an article about the resolutions of New Year. In the previous year the newspaper had interviewed to hundreds of people about his of its goals and of its resolutions of New Year, and they divided to the people interviewed people in two groups: the group of that they put his goals in writing and the group of which their goals did not write, that only thought about them. And a year later, these were the results: of the group of the people who made resolutions, but that did not write them, only 4% of these people made some changes. But, surprising, a 46% of the group of the people who wrote their goals, they obtained yes them. A difference of a 42%, only by the simple fact to put the goals in writing. For that reason I ask to you that you write your goals.
Something magical happens when you take the time to write your goals and you accompany if them with a plan and if takings action every day, you are going to gain momentum. And when you gain momentum nobody is going to you to be able to stop, you will practically be unstoppable and happen to be member of a select group of people, that 3% of the world-wide population that has its clear goals in writing and, that it has a plan and that a reality takes action every day to make its goals. Third party, you must write your plan. To write passage by step everything what you must make to obtain your goals. So that you can obtain your goals in the 2010 you must know exactly what you want, you must have a plan to obtain it and must take action every day and to be arranged to do what you must make to obtain it easy that, that simple. This is what separates to successful people of the mediocre ones. The successful people are prepared to do what they must make to obtain his goals, although have desire or Then no., your commitment is to finish your plan and it does not matter that he is not perfect. But most important she is than she is finished before the 31 of December. She is clearly! I have your commitment? Muvete at the speed of the instructions! In the next article I give you more ideas to create spectacular a 2010. Goals, strategy, action!
Consumers Care
In an article on the roll of the consumers in the present time, elaborated by the newspaper the Universal one, he is written that: and personal l must include/understand that to take care of the client well it is not to take care of in the simple sense of the word, but influence gente” positively; , according to Alberto Patio, specialist in communications To lower the exigencies in the selection of personnel is translated in I mistreat to the public ” I recognize that I committed error” , Julia confesses Diaz, who identified itself as usuary frequents of the meter of Caracas. ” That day did not have money to buy ticket and tried to use the ticket of student of my daughter When I tried to happen through the bell crank, an operator stopped to me and instead of to draw attention to me of educated form, me it removed from the place to shouts and with insultos”. How many times it has listened to similar histories of which one has felt mistreated by the personnel of a company of services? Or rather how many times it has undergone ” in meat propia” the annoyance of to be taken care of with disinterestedness, scorn or coldness by the ones in charge of the premises? He is because the operator of bank treated telephone it to ” patadas”. Or the teller of the pharmacy exceeded his confidence when calling it ” my amor”. Or the employee of the bakery threw the coffee to him because she dawned of the bad humor.
The human species does not dominate its surroundings completely, does not have visualized its destiny, nor the way to reach it. " The irrationalities of the last century show meager of the limits of our capacity for the conscious control of ours destino." 1 Much less is had defined the objectives that would have to be reached. Then in what position is the civilization? This question, would demand to delimit exactly to which civilization we are talking about. We must clarify that due to the globalising processes that we have lived from the European trips to east and the discovery on America; and that in our days has reached points truly advanced; we will understand to all the humanity like a same civilization where different cultures converge. Having clarified this, the man and his civilization, nowadays are located in an ambivalent position. On the one hand we have been witnesses of impressive and unimaginable technological advances, even for the minds more Vernesianas, in several areas of knowledge emphasizing the following: Telecommunications (century XX lived a true revolution with Internet, the cellular and wireless technology, the social networks, satelite applications, GPS, et cetera), Robotics and Mechatronics, Nanotecnologa, Genetics, Biotechnology, between many others, all of them with direct or indirect repercussions in our lives. Unfortunately on the other hand, we have neglected like civilization aspects that assure the sustainability our model, when sobreexplotar the natural resources, contaminating descontroladamente to the planet, to alter the ecosystems, to increase the number of poor men, to increase the concentration of the wealth in few hands, not to solve the conflict of unemployment and under employment, among others problems who contaminate the social weave, like the drug trafficking deals with, it people, the infantile operation, et cetera. It is of public dominion the knowledge of the damage that the man has caused to the planet and itself (" the man is the wolf of hombre" , Hobes), in its eagerness to modify its surroundings.
Prime Minister
Life should be a search. Not a desire, but a search; not an ambition of becoming this or the other, the President of a country or a Prime Minister, but a search to discover: who am I? Life should be a continuous celebration, a festival of lights throughout the year. Only then you can grow, you can flourish. It transforms the small things in celebration. Life is not a prison, is not a punishment.
It is a reward and it is given only to those who have earned it, to those who deserve it. Now have the right to enjoy. It would be a sin if we do not go against the existence if we do not embellish it, if we simply leave it as we find it. No, leave it a little happier, more beautiful, more fragrant. Indeed, we must seize the changes that occur, the steady continuity of them, signs, signals, teachings that involves, we don’t waste our time, awaken and act within this continuity that allows us to grow, increasing our level of growth and learning, know cultivate our actions so that the spirit is enriched of the changes. He says Osho Furthermore, that life because it is bubbling within us.
Only we can contact her there. The temple is not abroad; one is his sanctuary. That is why the first thing you have to remember, if we want to know what is life, is: never seek it on the outside, never try to discover it in someone. The meaning It cannot be transferred in this way. The greatest masters have never said anything about life, always you us returned to oneself. The second thing we must remember is: once we know what is life, know what is death. Death is part of the same process. In general we believe that death comes at the end, we usually believe that death is opposed to life, we usually believe that death is the enemy, but death is not the enemy. And if we see death as the enemy this simply demonstrates that we have not been able to know what is life. Death and life are two polarities of the same energy, the same phenomenon, the flux and reflux, day and night, summer and winter. They are not separated and they are not opposites or contrary. They are complementary. Ultimately the visa is a generating continuity of changes, we cannot neglect and take advantage of them.
The Buyer
With the great amount of users interconnected at world-wide level, this new one half of sales must be profiteer immediately by the companies that wish to penetrate in the last technologies and it interests promoting to them his products in search of potential clients who could be located across of the world. And that so difficult is to initiate a virtual store? Thanks to the great amount of companies involved in this field, he is very simple to have a virtual store. With services like Yahoo store, that allow to put to work a virtual store in 10 minutes without needing greater knowledge of the network and a minimum investment, thousands of people are proving luck in this new market. The unique problem? The demand has been so much that stops to be able to excel is necessary to have a good strategy of sales, a product that is of easy shipment and that it does not need the direct bonding with the buyer (for example a book or a CD is something that I can buy without needing seeing it, but a house or an automobile is things that are better to know before buying). And finally to be able to present a business and of obtaining that it generates sales, it is necessary an advertising strategy that it as much promotes the virtual means site of Internet like in traditional mass media like the radius and television. and you want to know: And that there is of the payment? And that there is of the security?