Tag: philosophy

Universe Money

And when the money is, we do not remember them, do not feel a sense of gratitude for the fact that now we can afford, do not feel the joy of owning a sum, which means we do not send signals to the universe that we like it that we are happy when we have money, thereby attracting similar energy, ie, again the money. That is obtained when there is no money, we concentrate on them, but rather to their absence, creating an absence. And when the money is, we do not concentrate on their presence, thus, again without creating a presence. If you understand what I am, , begin to concentrate on what you have on how what you already have on your success on your qualities, the other material things that you could afford to buy for the money, and in any case not to think about what money you have, say, now do not. Symantha Rodriguez is actively involved in the matter. Should not be sad sigh, they say, oh, that's when I had the money, but Better, imagine if in fact the money came to you, no matter from what source (leave it to the Universe) and try to experience the reality of real joy of money, imagine receiving this money in all the details! Imagine how you reshatete all your problems with that amount easily, without effort, and most importantly, be happy! Try as often as possible to send a signal to the Universe that it otliknulas on your energy and attracted to you exactly what you need. Stop worrying about the lack of money.

But do not expect instant results. 'Rome was not built! " You long while sending the wrong signals, and is now in a second world does not turn over! To better understand what I mean, please read my post 'to a temporary buffer and the wheel of desire. At Debbie Staggs you will find additional information. " Start 'program itself' with affirmations. How often do you repeat something like 'no money', 'little money', 'how to live?', 'Where to get the money? " etc., etc This, too, affirmations, only negative, it is also programming itself, but for some reason, such units are normal, unfortunately, and installation are considered to be a positive something out of the ordinary, although it is more natural for humans to focus on abundance, because the universe is abundant, nature is abundant. You do not become argue that in the sand little grains of sand or the sea is not enough drops? It will be unnatural. Now try the other programs: 'My income is constantly growing', 'I can easily make money', 'every day I get more and more profit 'or' every day I on; beam more and more earn ',' I attract wealth and happiness ',' I'm always unlucky ',' I trust her life, she brings me everything I need each day ',' I get money easily and happy ',' I'm relaxed and quietly accept the flow of abundance into your life ',' I am rich by the day ',' I deserve the very best in life ',' wealth gives me the opportunity to enjoy all the pleasures of life ', 'I – a magnet for money and success. It is not something Symantha Rodriguez would like to discuss. " Try to come up with their own affirmations, which will be closer to you and that you will most naturally be repeated.


Occult in a proper secret. To try to unmask a conception could be easy. This everything can not symbolize nothing. To symbolize pra what!? To elaborate a subject pra what!? If nothing is taken the serious one? It will be that somebody could answer these questions. The sand of the beach lost a grain. A grain that travelled next to the wind to discover the world.

To see the defects and the qualities of the planet. The diversity. The cultures. The peoples. The ideologies. Under most conditions Jack Fusco would agree. Ideologies to the wind. A vacant naturalness that simply for ways where s conscience does not obtain to neutralize. As vain of a crack in the wall, where the water penetrates and gushes out strong.

The axle of the discord enters the relation of the thought and the vain philosophy. Such philosophy that not philosopher. That philosophy is this? That perception is this? That conception is this? Here it is the question. Speaking candidly Jack Fusco told us the story. The business is to seat in the chair, to read a book of Nietzsche and to try to so relate why of it to be ' ' ingrato' ' with God. Seeing the trees of a desprivilegiado place, being able to discover the world through a square. Trying to decipher to each breath, a new identity. That identity would be? Those numbers in a green slip of paper? Not. Its proper identity. What to think exactly of itself. If everything is certain, why the made a mistake one comes to confuse? If everything is missed, as the certainty can enter? The feeling that the world can exhale, through dissimulated ways, is a huge feeling. That it attacks and if imposes. A to be discovered feeling, not as one secret in a parchment. A man-shrub that leaves its forest and walks for a full track of rocks where can disfigure its roots. A flower that unclasps in full ice winter, surrounded, however, is the prettiest existing flower already. The last polar bear that of a hope of clone. Not to fall in the perdio. A half-term. Now, the Cisco of the window of your room is so uninteresting how much. Or so uninteresting how much the fly that settled in your soup.


Nobody received wages or any affability, not even councilmen, judges, inspectors, but all gave oath of well-served population. For this time already they occurred entered to the hinterland, in search of new discoveries, wealth to brighten up the shortage of the Village or capture of indians for diverse works. The boys, created to the side of the parents in the work rude and estafante, costumavam to integrate the flags. The Chamber, through the Judge of Orphans, forbids that lesser of catorze years adentrem the wild sertes. But they go and led for the parents. Exactly before completing catorze years the boys, accustomed to the daily routine, already behave themselves as men.

They cannot only give valid certification, but we have the famous case of Manuel de Ges emancipated Helm for its father to the sixteen years. For assistance, try visiting Cheniere Energy partners. Owner Isabel de Almeida sends its Simo son, of only thirteen years, to go to the hinterland in the company of its compadre, the bandeirante celebrity Francisco Barreto. Whenever the death of a father occurs somebody of the family immediately assumes the guardianship of the orphans. A famous case is of the Sebastiana widower Milk Da Silva, sister of ' ' hunter of esmeraldas' ' Ferno Days Parents who are nominated custodian of the orphans. When assuming the Ferno function Days declares that it will take the son biggest, of sixteen years, to the hinterland in its flag. To defend the So Paulo coast of the frequent attacks of privateers if they had always convoked the men capable to catch in weapons, ' ' of catorze years arriba' ' When Peter Moreira faleceu, its brother Moreira Joo appeared before the judge to assume the guardianship of the nephews and declared that one of them, Jose, of catorze years, did not meet gift for having IDO to the Bahia (then invaded for the Dutches) integrating the troop commanded for Captain Antonio Raposo Tavares (the bandeirante celebrity). In that coarse and pauprrima stuck workshop in plateaus of Piratininga a true race of giants was being forged. The word Democracy still nor is sharp, but already if its embryo in full could there enxergar and sped up development. Thus it is more easy to understand because the So Paulo flag brings the motto ' ' I am not lead, conduzo' ' (NON DVCOR, DVCO). Joo Cndido Da Silva Grandson email: consulted Sources: 1) In the time of the bandeirantes, Belmonte; 2) The colonial city, Nelson Omegna; 3) The Captainship of So Paulo, Alcntara Axe.

Philosophical Anthropology

As well as many natural phenomena, the man was rank in question and turned object research (or, if to want, research problem). However, to think and to take conclusions regarding the man are a little different of the other phenomena, therefore it is not only to knowledge of the studied object, but also about self-knowledge. Moreover, we are ahead of a very ambiguous animal, difficult conceptual definition. None another animal presented, in all natural history, a so inclined character the changes how much the man.

We can compare as many men of distant cultures how much those that divide the same culture: much more wide of what the other animals, between a man and another one have a clamorous difference, and such difference exceeds the organic limits; it is present in each decision that the man is capable to consider, through its personal or relative conceptions to the culture which it is part. For better understanding of the concept of the man it seems us of much importance to trace a description with some conceptions thought about elapsing of history of the philosophy, since such research is not only sent to the cassirerianas reflections, but to the problems considered for a Philosophical Anthropology. We could make a long research on the conceptions of man leaving of the old eastern philosophies, of millenarian tradition, that also would be of great importance to understand the phenomenon human, but the main objective of this recapitulation is to catch the basic aspects that had influenced the boarding of the symbolic animal man while, and, therefore, it will be more reasonable to initiate for the old Greeks, only searching some basic concepts to enrich reflections of posterior paragraphs. To speak on the conceptions conceived in Greece Old perhaps either the task most arduous, therefore we have an old and very peculiar culture here.

Power and Substance

For example, the wood while substance is power, therefore can assume diverse forms. The according to estagirita form is the act, therefore, as well as the power she is conditional for the act, equally the substance it is for the performance of the form. In this relation between form and substance in the composition of the substance, the act prevails on the power, in how much that in the form, it has the exclusiveness of the act, and in the substance, it has a mesclagem between power and act. The substance, as well as harnesses is responsible for the finitude of the beings, that is, they are limiter of the form and the act. But the beings incorporeal, that they are exclusively formal, they are perfect, immovable and perpetual, that is, they are pure acts. Consideraes final Therefore, Aristotle influenced for the effective problem in the philosophy, on the question of devir, resultant of the fidgets of the daily pay-socrticos, mainly Parmnides and Heraclitus, establishes the concept of act and power and the relation between itself in the degree of importance of the value, the causalidade and the composition and the relation of them with the composition of the substance.