Introduction the area daeducao is an excellent mirror of the size of the exclusion, the discrimination, the inaquality and the injustice in Brazil. The repetncia and the evasion, forceful soexemplos of this affirmation. Brazil appears enters piorestaxas of reprovao and pertaining to school evasion of the world according to Organization dasNaes Joined for the Education, Science and Culture (TAKAHASHI, 2006). Segundodados of the MEC (IBGE, 2006), only 56.2% of the young in the etria band de14 the 16 years had concluded basic education in the waited age. NoNordeste, in the same period, this index falls for 37,4%. Already osconcludentes of average education, the national tax declined still more, poissomente 37.9% of the young ones up to 19 years had poissomente obtained this fact.
NoNordeste, analyzing the same indicating, the tax of conclusion of the ensinomdio was considered in 2006, the minor of the country with only 20.9% of seusjovens exhibiting a diploma of according to degree to the 19 years. Simply, the school the same continues perpetuating model the question of the conectividade, or of faltadela, it is a real and problematic question, therefore the people who nopossuem access to the TICs present a fragility each maisconsidervel time in the work market. free software. Thus, the called project MinhEscola, My Life was born, that had as objective main sensibilizarjovens in high situation of social vulnerability concerning description-social subject suaimportncia while and of the school comopartcipe of this process through the use of the TICs in one plataformalivre. They had been delineated as objective specific: ) to identify itself comosujeito of its history and the school; b) to know facts on its vidaacadmica and of the too much colleagues, registering and displaying facts ocorridosno surrounding pertaining to school; c) to produce audiovisual project in formatomultimdia through the free tools; d) to reflect on pertaining to school suavivncia, pointing the positive and negative points, comosuas well perspective of future; e) To include itself social and digitalmenteutilizando free software in the pertaining to school environment.