Among the main points the author detaches that millions of people were excluded from the consuming market, stops the author was necessary to incorporate people to the consumption. The necessity of if making an agrarian reform effective in the countries of the region, to shorten the social differences and economic interns. The great external debt of the countries of the region, that forced the countries to diminish the investments in the productive sector and the social one. The economic stagnation of the region, the salient author the little economic dynamism of the n countries. The cost of the transports and the lack of integration of the ways of transport of the region can bring problems for a future common market. (MENEZES, 1990, P. 17-20).
Valley to stand out that ahead of as many attempts of integration many of which they had not had much success, is the experiences acquired with such attempts, that without a doubt will serve so that other attempts as these do not comment the same errors and most are succeeded. ' ' The experience accumulated in other attempts of integration could be useful in the conduction of the process in course in the cone south-americano' '. (IT HISSES, 1998, p.168). FINAL CONSIDERAES the decade of 1990 mark a rupture in the economic policies followed by the Latin American governments. The traditional nationalistic and protectionistic politics? what had inspired the creation of the ALALC and later they had blocked its development? they come being to the few substituted by ' ' ousadas' ' regionalistic commercial strategies. A series of treated to free commerce was signed enters the countries of this subcontinent, aiming at to the formation of extended economic sets. On the basis of the displayed one in this article, can be concluded that they remain few doubts of that the integration that if it is processing in Latin America will bring significant benefits for all the involved countries.