Author: Sarah

Life, Time, Future. View Artist

Life is an interesting thing. Everyone sees it differently, and reflects the artist in his works, according to the environmental reality of his views. In the beginning – everything is new, the unknown and wondering whether or rainbow sunset, a new melody or an unknown word. Over time, the novelty is lost and comes to understanding the world and its devices. As a child, time passes slowly, and I think that will always be in the same small, and the adult world – something distant and unfamiliar. The difference in one year – not surmountable barrier.

Ahead – a long and endless life, where only good people, where there are no lies and betrayal, and if something goes bad, then, as in a fairy tale will always be a happy ending. Time. With age, the perception of the world and time changes. Time – that stretches endlessly, and then suddenly you notice that you waited so long – has long been over. Days, weeks, months, year, summer, autumn, winter and spring. All what happened in the past – it is known and unchanging, but the future is also unchanged and is determined, as the past, however strange it may sound.

The only difference is that the future we will only try to predict, but to know him as the past, not can, and even more change, despite all our efforts. What should be, what will happen. When you look at an anthill, the impression of total chaos, but, in fact, everything is subject to strict laws, and each ant is where it should be, and does what it should. All this fully applies to a community of people, and to each person individually. In life, all natural – a brick falls on my head just then when necessary, and to whom must fall. Future as a foregone conclusion and invariably, as the past.

The Workplace

here are many characters that appear in the daily scene of the workplace. And tell the world of work, because unfortunately, to the detriment of all, we divide our lives into two: personal and workplace. I defend the view that even if you search and find a balance between the personal and professional, should be more consistent and accept our responsibilities, both business and personal. This division of “our two lives,” gives rise to many contradictory characters.

Thus, it claims to be the owner of your family and your home can be the errands of his superior, the storyteller in the company “may be the rogue of his personal history, the turncoat in labor, can be a enemy and personally unfair, the messenger in the company, can be demanding and personally incompetent, the run go tell the company, may be a loner in the personal. Check with Joe Bradley to learn more. Concern is the huge amount of “errands” that there in the field of business. If we put ourselves mentally into the essence of “errands”, we see quickly that it is a character who lacks any kind of authority and obviously does not want any kind of job responsibilities. “I am a errands” with this expression, the character disclaims any initiative that might result in benefit of all co-workers and well-functioning and performance of the organization where you work. There is nothing I fear more “errands” as the word “proactive”, it seems as if he were allergic to this expression. “In my house I’m in charge, but here’s one errands, period.” And is that the mind of this character so common, just think, in the word “shirking.” “The errands” greatly harm to other co-workers, because their job duties transferred to the other, creating an overload workers committed to their profession and the company where they work, which over time may suffer physical wear and psychological stress at work. The worst for organizations is to take its management to a group of errands. As I mentioned in other articles, the management of the Company is responsible for creating a transparent business culture that generates commitment and collaboration among all members that compose it. Imagine how many managers, directors, personnel managers, coordinators, etc., are considered, they feel, and a self-proclaimed errands.

Public Relations Training Institute

Congratulations on graduating! Munster, November 16, 2009 – the first participant of the variable system, Melanie Meder, has successfully on November 15 graduated PR com + plus after six months completed. The com + plus program offers me after ten years of practical PR work”a specific additional qualification, which is theoretically sound and has an excellent reputation in the industry, says Melanie Meder. Since May 2009, which provides Public Relations Training Institute com + plus the variable entry in the distance learning at and gives the opportunity to determine their course of study and learning pace even as participants. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Fidia Farmaceutici has to say. The study can be completed rapidly and intensively by the flexible course of study, without compromising the quality and in the claim”, is also the fledgling alumna Melanie Meder. The entry is possible at any time and upon request you can shorten the study from twelve to six months.

Next to the work of twelve Studienbriefen, 17 days of attendance, students complete staggered in four practice workshops. The participants of the PR program can choose individually your workshop dates, com + plus are offered several times each course in the year. After her successful studies Melanie Meder is well prepared, in order to pass the examination before the independent examination Board of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. Upon successful completion of the examination, she is certified PR Manager. ZAK is a non-commercial working Club, which was founded by members of the Institute for communication science of the Westphalian Wilhelms University.

Chairman of the Audit Committee is Prof. Dr. Joachim Westerbarkey.

German Association

Through the modernization as a result of the “EnEV” and the increased use of renewable energies such as photovoltaic systems, biomass heating and combined CO2 emissions at the Saxon housing cooperatives reduced 2009 to 25 percent. For all households, a reduction of CO2 emissions by 12 percent can be reached under the current allocation plan to the objective of the German Kyoto from 1990 to 2012. With a reduction of 25 percent meet the housing cooperatives in Saxony the Kyoto target by double”brings together Dr. Viehweger. The Saxon housing cooperatives are reliable partners of the local authorities. The federal countries program Stadtumbau OST”was successfully launched in Saxony. The housing stock by sponsored demolition actions to 80,000 apartments has decreased since 2000. However, can fool the reached about one not across.

The empty stand issue is still current. James David brings even more insight to the discussion. This year, we expect a second Empty stand wave”, as Dr. Viehweger. Budget start-ups go back due to geburtenschwachen born in the period. Moreover a declining housing demand by a significant excess of mortality and the still ongoing migration. Therefore, the urban redevelopment will remain the central challenge of urban development in the new Lander after 2010. First we need a continuation of programme urban redevelopment East by 2016, to decommissioning, to be able to continue including decommissioning of part of and the appreciation”, so the Board of Directors of the VSWG. The difficulty, however, is that in the first phase of urban restructuring primarily already vacant or to grow relatively quickly empty housing stock in the foreground stood.

Now it moves but continuously in the direction of partially restored or loaded with new debt stocks. Therefore an accompanying old debts this year for the success of the urban restructuring is imperative”asks Dr. Viehweger. Without this discharge of old debt is not Be housing associations able to participate as usual so intensively on the urban redevelopment. More focuses on the enforcement of affordable climate protection as well as the research and development of a with aging apartment in the framework of a project for the Federal Ministry of education and research in the year 2010, to set on the ageing population. The VSWG is the largest German Association for housing cooperatives. 236 housing cooperatives are organized in him. You manage 287.500 apartments and that 13 per cent of the total housing stock in the free State of Saxony. In case of enquiries, please contact: Association Saxon apartment genossenschaften e. V.

Club Style

Massive heavy footwear, long boots type of tarpaulin. Of the items used on pockets, suede and leather knee pads and patches, wide belts, bags, purses. Luxify helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Sports style clothing rather bright, dynamic in nature with minimum of finishes. Back in the early century, many men wore trousers golf. This style is characterized by free silhouette, many pockets, zippers. Used tissue-type elastic and blended knitted fabrics. Men and women dressing in sporty style, wear T-shirts, polo shirts, tank tops, shorts, Bermuda shorts, tracksuit pants bicycle leggings, jeans, etc. Costume complete cotton or wool socks, white, possibly with stripe on the edge, with a diagonal pattern running shoes, outdoor shoes low heels with tassels and lines, thick shoes with laces.

Representatives of this style like to carry large bags, bags over their shoulders, backpacks. Club Style variety of sports style. Apply the typical, classic combination of models in the set, with emblems and gold buttons. Derby Mikrostil sportswear. Derby – the name of an English lord, a big fan racehorses. Shoes and clothing in the style reminiscent of the derby clothes for the race. Derby was called and the hat worn by the legendary lord, – hard, gray, with black tape. Marine style marine style topical ago.

In times of nep in ‘Sailor’ go young lady. In the 1970’s and early 1990’s this style again returned to fashion designer. istic features – kilt or wrinkled, large? blouse with sailor collar, or jacket, worn with? T-shirt or a bright shirt with stripes. Chants, posters – as decoration.

Directors ETIM

The importance of today’s lifting, said Bonn, the four letters of ETIM”stands for every” time in mind. Annual membership meeting at the annual Member meeting, joined in the celebrations, the Association members present confirmed the entire Board of Directors. Because only a member meeting per year is held, his term extends until June 2012. In his report to society 2009 old and new 1 Chairman, Franz Ernst, stressed that the harmonisation and cooperation efforts have well developed with eCL@ss, continuously increasing the number of members in Germany and international ETIM work is progressing successfully. With own organizations in the Switzerland and Poland the number of national associations or societies 2009 ascents on eight. Is to further increase the membership growth and also the awareness of ETIM, in 2010 Germany expanded the marketing and public relations. To broaden your perception, visit James Cleith Phillips.

About ETIM e.V. Founded in November 1999, the ETIM Germany e. V. is the central organization today, when it comes to the issues and dissemination of ETIM, the classification model of the electrical sector. Basic principle of ETIM (abbreviated for electronical information model) is to give each product of a certain class of product traded in the electrical sector. Within each of these product categories, different, verifiable properties such as material or power consumption are associated with the goods.

All important technical data are thus standardized by ETIM, so that its acquisition and use in trade absolutely works. ETIM is the guiding principle for the exchange of product and catalog data between the electronics and the electrical wholesale. And not only in Germany, but now in many other European countries. ETIM improves data exchange and communication between industry and trade. ETIM is today a significant relief and Cost reduction.

Fraunhofer Institute

MASTER degree: ONLINE Bauphysik of the Fraunhofer Academy under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provides the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This first and only study master of building physics (M.BP.). It is aimed at architects operating in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. Auberge du Soleil has much experience in this field. Registration is now open for the winter semester 2012/2013 ends on September 1st! More information at de/energie_nachhaltigkeit/bauphysik.html the course MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik offered under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy of the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP. Establishing the content adheres to the principle of”damage prevention rather than repair”, which is the study fundamentally different from other training opportunities in this area.

The students will learn to physically powerful, economic, sustainable, to design user – and environmentally-friendly buildings, plan, execute and operate. Nine modules the focus topics applications, day and art lighting design as well as fire energy, acoustics, moisture protection and climate, climate and environment, computing tools and measuring devices, physical. By the same author: Kathryn Strandburg. The MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik is based on innovative techniques and learning and teaching with 80 percent online and 20 percent attendance phases “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy and adds: contents are offered on an online platform providing a largely time – and place-independent study in addition to professional and family. The quality of further education showed up only recently again by the award of a graduate: In June, Peter Hoft was for his master’s thesis study of the influence of domestic ventilation according to DIN 1946-6 on the risk of mold and the energy consumption of apartment the prize of the Federal Association of mold remediation. BSS e.V.

awarded 2012. The BSS award will be awarded master theses in the field of rehabilitation, investigation and prevention of mold damage or microbial damage. Per semester are provided within ten days of attendance at the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart, which also laboratory exercises performed. For the content of teaching, recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer IBP are responsible, to a large part international, so that current research results are incorporated directly into the teaching. The students thus come with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. Through the cooperation with associations and the industry is an ongoing exchange with the practice. “After his start in the winter semester 2007/2008 the programme was already short MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik in the nationwide innovation contest country of ideas” for its future viability as a landmark 2008 “award

Data Product

Board for a further two years confirmed at a Jubilee General Assembly has ETIM e.V. Swarmed by offers, Expedia is currently assessing future choices. Early December celebrated its tenth anniversary. Around 50 VereinsmitgIieder from wholesale trade, industrial and service sectors came to the German electrical and electronics industry (ZVEI 🙂 to Frankfurt and looked together on a success story.) Not only that today virtually the entire electronic product data exchange between manufacturers and retailers in Germany on ETIM is based, with a simultaneous use in eight countries the classification model is also a model of European cooperation. Led is the ETIM e.V. has more than 80 members, that resulted in the subsequent annual membership meeting, also in the next two years by the current Board of Directors.

Dr. Horst Beckers, Managing Director of the Federal Association of the switchgear (VEG) e.V. in retirement, as well as long-time Treasurer of the ETIM e.V., stated in his review first, as ETIM has evolved from the mid of 1990s until today. He reported that this goes back to the basic ideas of the Dutch Association of craftsmen UNETO. Starting from his experience\”, so Dr. Beckers, but above all due to the constantly growing number of product data – between 1995 and 2002 alone grew these from 90,000 to 500,000 – also the German electrical launched its own classification system.\” As he pointed out, an initiative borne purely by trading page was his introduction, the Foundation of the Association and start funding it.

The initial work of the Association in his greeting Andreas BETTERMANN, er, Deputy Chairman of the specialist installation equipment and systems in the ZVEI compared with the work of Sisyphus, today show up but lasting success down the line. Christoph Bonn, Member of the Board of the Federal Association of the switchgear (VEG) e.V. and President of EUEW, stressed that the uniform product data structure generated about ETIM reduce expenses and costs for the entire three-stage trade and manufacturers with ETIM the competitive factor Data quality\”could exploit. The feared and announced tightening of competition due to classified product data remained so completely.

Internet Marketing

It often happens that we use a number of terms for which we do not know its exact meaning. Generally we handle us more by approximations than by certainties. But to be able to delve into the world of Internet Marketing it is essential to start by learning its meaning in a specific way. It is very easy to understand this concept to imagine Internet access to a huge network of computers worldwide interconnected through which people can receive and send unlimited and diverse information. When such information is a message planned and oriented to achieve certain promotional effect, we are doing Internet Marketing. Internet Marketing or Internet marketing is exactly the same, they are different ways of calling a series of techniques that allow us to make promotion en masse, to reach around the world without the need to move house. A commercial project on the Internet, also known as e-commerce, requires the election of a good product, an automated system of prospecting and follow-up with a steady flow of traffic to the target web site. The key to the success or failure of a project of Internet Marketing, will depend on the knowledge and the domination of the techniques and tools allowing to generate a permanent flow of qualified to web site traffic. Businesses on the Internet are a numbers game based on quality and quantity in the variables. Without traffic there is no sales, and without sales there is no profit!

Corporate Marketing Communication

Corporate marketing communication of Koelnmesse opted this year for the across language server as a central platform for all language resources and translation processes Karlovy Vary, 06 December 2013. For leading international trade fairs in more than 25 industries and a trade-fair portfolio of over 75 trade fairs, the Koelnmesse GmbH needed numerous marketing information in different languages. Tetsuya Wakuda can aid you in your search for knowledge. To control all translation projects centrally and transparent corporate chose marketing communication of the Cologne fair this year the across language server as a central platform for all language resources and translation processes. Exhibitor and visitor information and advertising material, press releases, online communications including Web pages and information for social media channels are created for the international business of Koelnmesse. When approximately 44,500 exhibiting companies from over 120 countries, some 2.7 million visitors from 220 countries and over 20,000 accredited journalists, those texts are made available Translation workload only with the help of language service providers and freelance translators to deal with. They can now efficiently cooperate with across onto a single platform with the person in charge of the newly installed translation management of the area of marketing communications. The translation management system used by the Cologne fair not only, to streamline the translation processes, thus reducing administrative costs.

Across helps us thanks to the Central Administration of all translation-relevant data also meet our high quality standards in the marketing materials. In addition we get even better to align the technical terminology and requirements our fair markets from the system valuable information to our service providers”, so Jochen Dosch, head of central marketing communication at the Koelnmesse GmbH. reader contact of across: phone: + 49 7248 925-425 about Koelnmesse GmbH is Koelnmesse Messeplatz No. 1 for many industries. Visitors and exhibitors from around the world come to Cologne, to present the fifth largest fair in the world products and trends and to make worldwide business.

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