Author: Sarah

Emilio Prados

In April 1940, said the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda who turned “the noblest mission I have worked in my life to remove Spanish from their prisons and send them to my homeland,” Vicente Salas Viu and Arturo Serrano Plaja are “the only friends of my literary life in Spain you have come to my country. Would have liked to bring them all and I have not given up on it. ” During his exile, was a frequent gatherings Boards Coffee Miraflores de Santiago de Chile, mythical point meeting of the Spanish exiles. He worked for Romance, directed by John Rejano magazine and which contributed a large number of refugees intellectuals: Juan Ramon Jimenez, Jose Bergamin, Rafael Alberti, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillen, Leon Felipe, Corpus Barga, Ramon Gomez de la Serna, Luis Cernuda, Jose Moreno Villa, Emilio Prados, Manuel Altolaguirre, Cesar M. Others who may share this opinion include medical billing. Arconada, Arturo Serrano Plaja, Maria Zambrano, Elizabeth O. Palencia, Ramon Gaya, Juan Gil-Albert …

He also helped Spain Free, a biweekly newspaper published in Santiago de Chile, a city that for many years was musical and literary critic for The Mercury. He was director of the Institute of Musical Research, professor at the Faculty of Music Arts and Sciences, University of Chile, director of the Central Library of the University of Chile and a professor at the Pedagogical Institute and the National Conservatory of Music. He created his own music magazine, the Revista Musical Chilena. Among the titles relevant to his literary cite: War Diary of a Soldier (1938), The first days and other narratives of the Spanish war (in January 1939, reprinted the following year in Chile), Chile Modern Musicians (1943), Feeling and Expression in music: Baroque to Romanticism (1943), The last light of Mozart (1949), the musical establishment in Chile 1900-1955 (1952), decisive moments in music (1957), The spacious solitude (1960), book of stories about Spain and America, The double death of Felipe Villagran (1960), novel, and Music and musical creation (1966), essays on music theory. We end this brief sketch of Salas Viu, with the last paragraph of one of his stories published in Time in Spain: “The soldier managed that feat not knowing the name.

After it became fused with his companions. He knew, yes, that was one of the boys of the Second Battalion of the 69th. But this was the least of the same may have been the first of the 49 of any of the Division. His greatness lay precisely in this, be embodied in the Division if any in the conference in late February in the Teruel front. ” Francisco Arias Solis Where liberty dwells, there is my homeland.

The Price

You can also set a goal to find out how much you will win, tries to sell i.e. 10 irresistible offers in one month and takes control and thus you will realize how much was sold and how it worked the promotion and if did not work try with another, get that comes out. And if you get celebrate it, with your employees if you need support for having a business impact, I can advise online query packets on lower the price to increase customer strategy that most result has given me to increase customers and therefore increase sales is that exploits the traffic of people and cars that pass through your commercial property. Then to increase customers, need to increase prospects towards our local traffic, i.e. re addressing normal traffic to your store and this did it with a strategy of price, if, because we know that customers are looking for price, do not seek quality, not seeking service, if that story now do know me, then we are not going to fight with the marketthen you have to give what they want, price.

You must create an irresistible offer, try to think as a customer and defines that promotion or price do not leave pass and enter the room to ask for the offer. Considering that we are increasing the sales of your business, remember we’re lowering the price for a benefit, that benefit you’ll receive is to increase your number of customers, imagine as more and more customers come through the door of your trade, and we accomplish this by offering an irresistible. If you have read about National Accelerator Laboratory already – you may have come to the same conclusion. We castors that promotion to get people in your business, in this promotion must be an extra purchase, that is because you buy more, here we present you several examples: 1. Horn to only 99 in buying any car stereo 2. Registration for only 99 pesos in payment of your first monthly fee 3.

Astrological Time

Who is interested by the wisdom of the tarot, sooner or later you will feel also attracted by astrology. And as well as tarot benefits from new technologies, expert astrologers now have numerous tools that allow them to carry the free horoscope to all who desired and needed. Astrology requires deep knowledge of astronomical, Kabbalistic who practice and above all, mathematical. For this reason, numerous advances in the field of computer science than as decisive have been in the development of the Sciences today also ensure total accuracy of Astrological predictions. And the possibility of consulting the free horoscope with total confidence in its seriousness and veracity. Calculate the position of the planets at the time of the birth of a person, for example, is today a procedure simple and no margin of error, regardless of the hemisphere or the schedule that has taken place, or the greater or lesser familiarity of the professional astrologer with constellations of one or the other hemisphere. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out SD Cards. In this way, the free horoscope will prove its seriousness by providing predictions based not only on the astrological consultant but also in your ascendant sign and your natal chart, which indicates the position of the planets at the time of the birth. The astros manifested its influence on our lives in different ways.

At the time of the birth, astrological alignment print characteristics to the personality that the individual will develop. Later, the planetary transits are translated in periods favourable or unfavourable to the central issues of human endeavour: love, health, money, job, family, projects. For this reason, having a free horoscope Guide, customized, it is invaluable. To uncover and learn to reverse the influences that may conspire to prevent us from achieving success. To know more favorable to act moments, and those indicated to wait with prudence.

For advice on specific situations that concern us. Or simply, to start the day knowing what we can expect from him, or how to prevent us of certain obstacles that may arise. Free horoscope gives us the tranquility of being able to refer to it always, there where we are, without investing fortunes or have time for an Astrology office visit. But fundamentally, it is an invaluable tool to know inclinations of the heavenly bodies that can influence our future. Because with knowledge and foresight, we attain that future bring everything we dream.

Chamber Reform

The articles 47 and 48 of the Act that allows Mexicans to buy bonds of PEMEX, were also hard criticized. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Electric Bikes. All these articles were adopted in the Mexican Senate and have already had the approval of the Energy Commission in the Chamber of Deputies mexicana. On the other hand, while complaints multiplied, Felipe Calderon celebrated the approval in the Senate and reinforced its propaganda action saying: the aim of the reform always was and has been expanding the oil wealth of the country for the benefit of Mexicans. To the extent that this reform achieves its objective, it is clear that we can speak of a successful reform. Randall Mays wanted to know more. Another objective was to keep Pemex and our petroleum in the hands only of Mexicans and Mexicans.

This objective is also fulfilled. Official Senator Ruben Camarillo for its part, is also for a good project which just passed in the Mexican Senate: consider that the petroleum reform WINS Pemex, because it gains autonomy, flexibility and implementation capacity. In equal position is the Secretary of communications and transport, Luis Tellez Kuenzler, who said: the energy reform sets the modernization of Pemex and implies that it can act as a company, that you can take risks that take oil companies into the rest of the world and Mexico can exploit its potential resources that are not exploiting today. The energy reform will have a positive effect on Mexico? The energy reform appears as a necessity in moments in which the Mexican State is unable to carry forward actions to recover the capacity of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Mexican State oil company. You will certainly have a positive effect on recovering the capacity of exploration and exploitation of Mexican hydrocarbons. It will be key to how you act once approved energy reform since the Government will have the tools necessary to make it effective, only you should know to use properly. The question of limiting the sovereignty of natural resources in Mexico and the sovereignty of Pemex are key issues for both the interests of the Mexican to avoid Government that social conflicts are arising.

Therefore, that is very important to define all those points which may allow an excessive and unnecessary advance of foreign private capital. The energy reform is vitally important both for the present of the Mexican economy, but mainly for its future. That is why in the same call generate the greatest possible consensus and avoid points of indefiniteness that may result in adverse outcomes of the reform.

LED Evening

(Indeed, in this amped-up urgent function, the portion of the mind responsible for higher-level decision-making actually turns off so that more power may be spent on lower-level success mind functions.) Because the person are so elaborately related, those who quickly quit and tend toward self-pity are less likely to endure. Army experts can attest that in urgent conditions, some individuals have difficulties remaining even with plenty of resources, while others seem to require little more than the clothes on their returning to battle on. Light makes individuals feel secure and secured. Having an LED torch side can give the nfl snapback hats survivalists on positive outlook they need to relaxed down and concentrate on the projects en side. Cooking meals. Even if you re just car hiking, it’s smart to carry along an LED torch or a number of headlamps for those in your party who will be setting up campsite. Unexpected conditions could occur that would put you at your location later than you predicted. If you end up cooking in the dark, headlamps and lamps can help It is composed by xiemeng 2012-08-07 you prepare better, delightful meals.When characteristics calls in the evening.

Making the comfort of camping to reduces one s kidney can be terrifying. Having an LED headlamp can create it Golden State Warriors Snapback Hats far simpler to head off for that evening hours bathroom crack. Stave and frighten off wildlife. An LED torch can help keep a secure distance between you and any wildlife in the position. Whenever you re walking in the forests in the evening, it s best to carry lighted headlamps, lamps, lights, which will notify off creatures or. If you happen to suddenly NFL Snapback Hats cross tracks with pet, there s an excellent possibility that the mild from to your LED torch or headlamp will frighten off it.As you can see, having an LED torch or another mild can create a big distinction in urgent conditions. Lanterns, headlamps and lights with LED lights are often considered superior in urgent conditions, since LED lights are incredibly long-lasting and effective. One LED light may last for thousands of hours an incredibly relaxing thought when investing Oakland Raiders Snapback Hats to evening alone in the forests.

The Experience

The vision of the leader are bought with the flight of an eagle, that moves the rest to make them, from the heights, without pressing, increasing their potential, how to cultivate their habits and skills, also your experience. A leader does not arise how to do things, but they feel with intensity what you want to achieve on many occasions irrationally, simply saying feels it on the inside, and from there, thinking begins to work and initiates mechanisms of action, its work is materialize it with your team. As a beacon for others, share your vision and acts serving as example to his collaborators, so more strive, and jointly, in get, so each one individual feels more valuable. He leads by example in all their daily chores. This shared vision of the projects make it stimulates the planned risk, it gives courage, connection, power, responsibility and commitment. Highlights in it, a provision of encouragement and courage against life, which causes the improvement of talents and skills, not only in the if not in your computer. Considers that the strongest man is which falls over and over again, and everytime she wakes learns from the experience, show to others that the fall is not to be defeated, but one more vital learning method. Considers that when there is a good reason, always is completed somehow, finding the way to the difficulty we maintain confidence in us, we rely on the inner strength, and all these conexionadas Interior forces made that our thinking ability accelerate, increased acuity considers that when there is a good reason, always is completed somehow finding the pathbefore the difficulty we maintain confidence in us, we rely on the inner strength and all these internal forces conexionadas ago that our thinking ability accelerate, increased at the same time and mental acuity, energy and motivation to fulfil our dream.

Steve Alpizar

One of the biggest drawbacks to change an unpleasant situation, the success or have a full life enormous satisfaction is the fact of not being prepared to take on great challenges. They do some months chatted with someone who mentioned me his desires of self-improvement and the idea of implementing large projects, but since the time I know this person I note that it has not made much effort to change the same habits, not organize your time properly, always running, do not understand the importance of order, etc. then that this person might expect if you can not dominate or even some basic situations. It is logical to think that a person who is not able to develop positively in aspects of discipline and overcoming is struggling against the current, there is no consistency between ideas and actions, in that sense Steve Alpizar clarifies us that being prepared is absolutely essential, for example someone should not think entering University next year if he is still in the basic elementary. It’s believed that hybrid bikes sees a great future in this idea. You are a person with extraordinary powers, is able to create his own world, if this is true then why is difficult to change our world to our own liking? It is not easy because the information from the creative mind does not work so predictable and logical as the conscious mind does, but there are appropriate methods to insert ideas and ensure that people are prepared to receive according to his wishes. One of the ways to enter information into the subconscious mind is through images, words and sounds, in that sense it is recommended the powerful subliminal video preparation for power, continually looking at this video you open your thinking so that your conscious mind can establish an excellent channel of communication with your subconscious and thus achieve the power to act in his favorin reality you all the time is acting with a great power, the problem is that that power is not being directed towards where you want, with this setting you can overcome this inconvenience. Each time that you observe large triumphs of people across the world is because they have succeeded in harmonizing all their wishes with the power supply, you will get any wish to the extent that is prepared, the powerful subliminal video preparation for power, it helps enormously in that purpose, you have in your mind all the potential to make an exciting experience of your life. Never stop in their ideas, put everything of himself to achieve materialize their dreams, avoid pessimism and remember you was born to beautify this world and bring something unique through its creative power, so visit the following website: original author and source of the article..


Willpower is important to undertake any project, is a quality that is not easy to develop because it involves kept constant despite adversity, having persistence when we’re getting excellent results logically is much easier, because it implies that there is a noticeable great motivation. Having a strong spirit and a strong willpower even when we face problems means having a great faith, thats an internal condition and it can be achieved if we have defined accurately what they want for our lives. The book the secret of the power of the goals of ANDREW CORENTT show solid principles to define our goals, this book takes us step by step so that we can set powerful goals, means that once we define something with deep feeling, then we will have the strength of will to overcome any obstacle, is to understand that the heating elements are only in our minds, in our interior in that regard ANDREW CORENTT shows us great techniques for overcome huge barriers that separate us from a life filled with great satisfactions. Credit: omega 3-2011. Make changes in our lives always imply a share of sacrifice, implies leave what is known to throw us into a great adventure, as it manifests Andrew Corentt in his book the secret of the power of the goals where we see the fact of a goal implies a certain level of discomfort and is where most of the people are facing a large wall and the truth is not easy to throw, but through reading this book you will harmonize their life according to their wishes and will define clear and realizable goals where will be able to knock on doors of glory because your life will be happy, abundant, spiritual and healthy. But there are people who manage to maintain a level of motivation is strong to stand firm in their purpose, how have done you?, the magic answer is in the force of will, if we really want something must continually think about the benefits that this decision will bring and that we It will lead to the energy required to act through the the secret of the power of the goals we discovered how to do it. .

Knights Felix Ramiro

Fashion company for Knights Felix Ramiro, after a career of 20 years which has become main reference in the design of bridal clothes in our country, has announced its intention to begin expanding its presence throughout the Spanish geography, through franchising. In this way the Ensign begins a search for entrepreneurs and investors, who are passionate about the world of men’s fashion, both with interest in self as in bet on a brand philosophy directed to exclusive design and quality, but affordable, covering the needs of each of their clients, and also feel proud to show off a design made in Spain press. In the words of Miguel Angel Ramiro, general director of the company, we are very excited with this new project. Men’s fashion lacks options and we are proposing just the opposite: designs that adapt to every moment and all the needs of the man of today, providing elegance and distinction, always loaded from style and excellent dressmaking. Treatment of depression takes a slightly different approach. We believe that we have a unique design and an unbeatable value for money, why not offer the opportunity of exploiting people restless and passionate fashion?. In this sense, Felix Ramiro stresses within the world of business options in franchise as the first concept of integral menswear, ranging from casual wear to bridal costumes, passing by all kinds of fashion accessories and underwear, as well as tailoring service. This offer represents a stable business throughout the year, which is renewed with seasonal designs, and which has numerous passes of fashion that produces the signature, in addition to the selection of Mister Spain events in one of their claims.

Felix Ramiro expansion plans passed by inaugurating the first franchise in the remainder of the year, and open others three or four in 2012. Preference zones are Madrid, especially in the capital and the South, and populations of at least 50,000 inhabitants in Castile – La Mancha, Andalusia and Catalonia, both with the model shop corner option. Something that is feasible, even despite the current economic crisis, with a potential market which only weddings exceeds the figure of 190,000 a year, and the backing of a firm dedicated to achieving the full satisfaction of its customers. Information corporate Felix Ramiro is very well positioned for more than two decades in the sector of fashion and masculine design, achieving leading market of tailoring and bridal fashion in their areas of influence stores are different spaces of fashion where they have a common denominator: the style and elegance. Bright but warm spaces, an exhibition of product clear and defined, a rational space usage to prioritize the operational and, above all, a cost of implementation adjusted are essential characteristics. They currently have 4 own units from which have been unable to verify the feasibility of the model. Investment to be a franchisee is 115,000 euros, with a barrel of entry of 9,000 euros and a canon of advertising of 3% on premises of about 80 square meters in plant Street and with populations with a minimum of 50,000 inhabitants.

Save The Years

Sometimes when I look in the mirror trying to count how many lines have been drawn in my face over time. I analyze my facial anatomy as a detective who reconstructs the perfect puzzle pieces. My fingers caress the bags that have formed under my eyes or the chin it starts to fall driven by the weight of gravity below the limits of my jaw. Eighty-two years of life have left their mark visible on my face. a Each wrinkle is a remnant of that past is still present in my memory. Lines perfect balance of challenging the best trapeze. a have formed many folds on my face and so many lines on my skin that I would be impossible to quantify.

And yet, when I see this face in the mirror mature. . . I look at my youth. a watch my hands.

. . My skin keeps within it the unconscious memory of past taste. It is an instinctive memory that drives me back. to Save me the tattoo of an indescribable aroma: it is the love felt in touch. I still remember how I felt when I took her hand to my husband for the first time or trachea joy experienced when I took my daughter in her arms to reach this world. That is a recipe for eternal youth: feel the love from very close. a When I read the pages of this old diary I feel that each of the pages have become scrolls. Every inch of paper contains within it traces of moisture and heat. Hana Some words are blurred and yet, I know every sentence of this book by heart. Amid the language of the shadows. Because I am the protagonist of this living will. The physical deterioration of this book reflects the same deterioration that manifests my face. Every tear that I shed my eyes when I was writing it down on paper and every smile I expressed in words after a dream come true was captured in this little treasure, myself. a I have eighty-two years, four months and seven days. When you reach a certain age of life is counted by hours, minutes and seconds.

For me, the years have turned into days and each morning I wake up to light is a miracle I have left my body clock time. Weather in this light that bathes me their green color of hope. It is perfect as a mathematical equation that while most, one day rest also to all the past days. It is the youth of someone who wants to live because I feel young inside and out. Because my beauty is no longer a thin girl and perfect figure but now I meet in my body the charm of an old lady who transmits serenity and peace to those around me. My youth is manifested in my rebellion, so I do not accept anyone calling me old. Books are old, junk, any pileup. . . but people are young until the day we die. a We are young as we wish to live. a’m young because I have future projects, I have desire to beat and I’m happy. Maybe my future and not that of someone who makes plans in two years. Now my future is my present and I look after every minute of my watch as if it were your last. a degree in philosophy.

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