Author: Sarah

Waldylei Yepez

You never know how many times I wanted to tell you so many things. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ford Motor Company offers on the topic.. I saw your face in every person and that chased me your star overnight. That in every one of the things I do, always had a detail for you. What I believed until the last moment that the utopia of a you and I, was workable. And that he had renounced many things if you asked me. What most want at this moment is let yourself. But I can not let you because you’ve never had.

Much less can get away if either was nearby. Tell me, what should I do with you? Or at least tell me, what with me? What should I do with impotence that is perceived in my lyrics? With words that are not written because they have no life, or with the life that is not lived because it has no words. Or with this life that I can not live because my letters will no longer be words, they will only be silence. In the middle of tonight my tears fall. The noises they walk on the other side of the street. Behind ceiling there must be a star shining, while the pillow collect my tears and I tell the world that will never believe. Saying to myself that already allow shout.

And telling you to thee that I am not going to cry. It was less impossible to love you than you think. And that you can say my word what you want, that it doesn’t matter because I will leave of say you’re things. I will put reality into my world. I botare the reserve of the affection that was yours. I pour the memories that make us one and tell me tomorrow: see it! The sadness will never stay. Go ahead! You’re lyrics can improve, and as well, then you go. Against this window once more, I am and maybe tomorrow here again, but surely each letter no longer equal, because you have forced me to change. The days will pass and I again say: here I am again! Night shall come, and sit in the window again to contemplate nothingness. Hoping that a throb again to turn on the stars that were turned off. Those who already do not glow because my heart is night has fallen silent. Or has died or I do not know who, it has been. I just know that no matter what you say, for you are only letters and letters always forget or disappear from life. 29/07/07 12:16 a.m. 12:51 a.m. 1:56 p.m. 5:55 p.m. 6:53 p.m. 7:53 p.m. 8:32 p.m. 8:40 p.m.

Ramon Gallegos

That is natural and I include myself in that resistance from the first moment, however, go knowing each one of the members of the group, to see its light through the eyes of the soul internal, your sincere and friendly service makes it to generate a relationship of friendship deeply, as if we knew us many years ago, the teachers with whom we started work radiate harmony and the conviction that has given them a previous preparation in the masters in holistic education and more even the transmission of knowledge that we receive directly from Dr. Ramon Gallegos and his wife Vicky. At the end of the first period classroom, I felt safe to have reached the right place to make a great leap in my own development, a growing insurance of my own spirituality, in my conscience, my whole being and with the conviction that this new experience I would much more ability to perform works that benefit other people and nature itselfboth for my professional work specializing in water issues, as for my relationship with those around me both my family and with anyone who has relationship with me. My feelings on that entry was total satisfaction for having taken a correct decision, expectations they were really outnumbered, the environment and peers inspire confidence, I had found what I needed at that time, my intuition was right once again. Hybrid bikes understands that this is vital information. 3. During the masters before entering the master’s program, had already read the book a brief history of all things, grace and courage and a good amount of articles and writings of Ken Wilber’s Internet. Enter the materials of the first half, whose contents have much of the work of this author, caused me great joy, the fact discuss and learn widely about the perennial philosophy, on the dynamic spiral, the holones and holarquias, the quadrants of the Kosmos, and was all focused on their implementation through education, to my extreme joyI already had a history of this but could not talk him with anyone for being unknown topics for those who surround me. .


Let us frighten us many times we have gone to bed imagining the worst that could happen to us in relation to a problem that we had For example: someone not calling you when you expect to do so and immediately you feel unworthy of love, abandoned and rejected. You decide not to embark again on any relationship. This is very common in sick people who imagine the worst. Transferred his power to doctors, medicine, statistics, rather than relying on his inner power. At work someone makes us a critique and immediately we started to think that we will say goodbye. It is we who chose these stun and negative thoughts.

No one can think for us and no one can get into our minds and impose on us what to think. In the same way we can replace these thoughts with others positive or images. For example: each time that we identify one of these paralyzing ideas DITE with force: No, not thinking about it. Now I choose to think in (imagine the best possible solution for the problem in question) to be kind, loving and patient with ourselves the impatience is a resistance to learn. Read more here: Randall Mays. We wish to have the response without learning the lesson or take the necessary steps. You can choose to view your mind as a piece of garden.

It is a piece of land on which there will be many Brambles hate oneself, stones of pain, anger, concern, Earth lack of food that nourish it. It is also possible that there is called fear, guilt, trees that need a good pruning. Once you’ve cleaned the ground of bad herbs, bushes, stones, and you’ve paid well field, sow some seeds of joy and prosperity. The sun shines on your garden and rain get wet while you abonas it and take care of lovingly. The process takes time and although at the beginning it seems that doesn’t happen much, if you have patience the plants will grow and will fill it with flowers.

AEPD Inaugurates

The past May 17, coinciding with the celebration of the day of the Internet, the Spanish Agency for data protection (AEPD) has launched the new platform of electronic site addressed to facilitate stakeholders whether individuals or juridical persons or authorities procedures before the Agency. This initiative comes to complete the telematic services already offered by the AEPD since 2006 with the possibility of the Internet of the note model presentation. Users with an electronic certificate will be able to request the protection of rights through this channel, complaints, check the status of their paperwork, send queries, complaints and suggestions as well as request a copy of the registration of files or consult the contents of the inscriptions. You need an electronic certificate that guarantees the identity of the signer as well as the content, confidentiality and receipt of notifications for full operability. Recently omega 3 sought to clarify these questions. In the case of not having the AEPD electronic certificate facilitates through of the Venue all documentation and forms that may be sent via the Internet but need to turn your signed physical presentation. For those requests or communications which are not included within the electronic site, AEPD boasts a telematic register which is accessible 24 hours a day throughout the year and through which may submit documents that relate to actions where to intervene the AEPD. Headquarters adds to its services the inclusion of links which may be of interest to users as the BOE, the common electronic register, the Brigade of technological investigation telematic crimes of the Civil Guard and the national police. Audea security of information, S.L. Department right TIC source:


At a time that all the young of sixteen years were if amusing and living the life, Clarissa was burning its beautiful eyelashes. Clarissa was born lindssima and was the child most adorable of its family. In the college it collected louvor plates. It was always studying and in the vacations if it enfurnava in the library of its house of beach or the city. You may find Zymes LLC to be a useful source of information. Pretty young woman and with intellectual air, physically looked like itself its mother and its temperament was of its father with who if it identified. Always discrete, he was avessa the badalaes. Its world was the world business-oriented of its father. He was chic without affectation.

It passed in first place in the vestibular contest to the sixteen years and concluded the course with louvor to twenty and one years and was to work with its father while it made its after doutorada graduation and. Its ability was admired for all the shareholders of the company. Its goal, the direction of the company, what it did not hide of nobody. It passed for all the departments, was stubborn. It did not have social life, only serious work. Competentssima arrived very early where it ambicionava and was for ability and not because she was son of the president. Clarissa skirt of its house not to go to work.

It and its father used the helicopter of the firm, was faster safe e. Clarissa was born woman business-oriented, all the shareholders respected its ability and its fast reasoning. As much that one of the directors suggested the name of Clarissa to occupy new folder. The father of Clarissa relutou to put it declared that its new folder was its bigger challenge. The concern of its father was the way as it would be received to occupy a so important position and the fact of being so young woman.

United States

That does in common event of the twin towers, the nightmare of December 20, 2001 in Argentina, the Tsunami and the high monetary value of the Euro?, that all these named patterns were unforeseen at the global level, nobody ever in the minute that happened could be prepared for such a disaster.The flames that radiated fear in people, the deaths of thousands of people, and what is even worse; the image positioned in our minds, something alien to our understanding told us that nothing could prevent this from happening, but indeed is this so? In reality there are weak and strong signals that do understand a little better the environment where we are. That signals can get to do? It can be information that we have not decided to give it the importance that it deserves, or hunches based on our own experience, or indicators that warned what could happen.This usually occurs on a daily basis with companies, changes in the environment where one handles change every minute and when you made the full change us notes saying for If you not prepared you or did not have in mind this sudden change.But that can be done before something unexpected?, as prepares one for the day that we have to surprise?In administration the proactivity is something that is often used. Does this term proactive determines to get ahead of the facts and thus knowing almost accurately as adelantarnos.Ud. believes that Bush the US President did not know that could come to pass on September 11? Or at least one small rumor in a documented study that tragedy experienced by the United States could have been avoided? Of course if the same nature always gives us signals to know in that direction we should go or not.The environment itself affects us all with the abrupt changes that produces, although in the case of positive or negative changes also affects the whole world.Throughout this article we will see types of changes affecting individuals, countries, regions in every aspect, cultural, technological, economic and social.Let’s the topology of the environment social change when change is surprising instantly to individuals, leaving them unable to react to such transformation, is chronic since it affects individuals in mass, thus bringing social problems linked to the individuality of each person in the labour field.A clear example was what happened in the industrial revolution, it brought an end to a period of 800 years of agriculture since it was the creator of wealth at that time. Get all the facts and insights with Digital Cameras, another great source of information.

Under The Same Sky

I wonder if there would be a way to buy a piece of desert in Egypt for those people who embarrasses us; they would have to assign them the hardest work, declared the Foreign Minister of Romania, Adrian Cioroianu, a State television to show their rejection of the Gypsy ethnic group. The incendiary nature of this intervention stoked the controversy raised by a decree adopted by the Italian Government, which would be allowed to expel citizens of the European Union (EU) considered hazardous, in clear reference to Romanians settled in Italy. The words of the Minister blame the minority Roma, just one and half million of the 20 million people who reside in the country, the bad image that Romania projects abroad. Italian politicians responded by this provision to the cruel murder of a woman at the hands of a Romanian immigrant of Roma origin, that he intended to steal the bag. The initiative devised by Walter Veltroni, Mayor of Rome and likely successor to Prodi in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has not left anyone indifferent. The replica has not been expected from countries and agencies involved in the conflict.

The most immediate was the emergency meeting that took place in Rome between the Romanian Prime Minister, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, and his Italian counterpart. After this encounter, which sought to jointly tackle the crisis that has affected the Romanian community in Italy – more than half a million people-the waters have become settles in a river very agitated by the pre-election environment in which they live Italians. Thus, after the warning from the European Commission on justice, which dictated that any expulsion of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union must be individual and appealed to justice, the Government headed by Giorgio Napolitano has softened its stance and expulsions will be punctual. Prodi and Tariceanu were agreed to form a joint police force and by request to Brussels from structural funds for creation of programs of social integration for immigrants without resources within the EU. This political approach will be nail burning to which will have to grab more than two million Romanians living abroad, 10% of the population.

A presence since the first of January, the date on which Romania became a part of the EU, has multiplied in countries such as Spain and the own Italy due to free movement enjoyed by Community citizens. In Romania the salary base, according to Eurostat data, is about 300 euros gross per month; While the average wage of a worker in the EU is 2.041 euros. Per capita income barely reaches 30% of the Community average. Economic inequality has resulted in an exodus of Romanian citizens to other countries in search of more favourable working conditions. Since the fall of communism in 1989, one of every ten Romanians has left South-Eastern Europe in search of a life better. The initiative of Veltroni in Italy or xenophobic Cioroianu, who has not been relieved of his post, words have returned you


The unfolded, will be cooler than normal conditions. Belts, shoes, or metal objects should not be used. Avoid if possible coverages. Use natural textiles as flax, cotton, wool and relaxing colors such as white, blue or violet. Eat a light meal and take a bath of warm water before ghosting. Exercise: in an armchair or sofa, comfortable, you can use your bed also, recuestese and breathe deeply several times, so relaxed but deep, releasing tensions increasingly exhale, placing both hands on his chest in the area of his heart, make a prayer asking for his personal angel is revealed to you, let know you need him, that he has something to talk about with thethen with eyes closed is to concentrate on your body, you will enter inside your head, through his eyes, and going to visualize and try to feel the warmth of his brain, soft, but where you is a small ball of light, that this moving inside your own body, you look through their eyes, being, then lower until your throat, feel the softness of the muscles, make small stops increasing the light that surrounds you, then lower toward your heart, this entire exercise is visualizandose inside your arteries, muscles and other, when this within your heart feel its warmth, its texture soft their sounds, their heartbeats, and there you will find a space much more luminous than that you radiate, within this light there is a room where you this hoping someone from the Kingdom angelico, between, through that light and go accommodating his vision before the new light, little by little your environment to take another sensenotice a figure, go to that figure and start enjoy the beauty of this area, in the midst of all vera to speak with his angel, and ask what more you worry you, the always you respond, please be patient until you adjust to this experience, hold that vision time which deemed necessary after despidase and express your love to your angel, and gradually go regrezando in the same way that low to her heart through arteries and other, until pocisionarse in his head again. Omega 3 is often quoted on this topic.

And return to your body with joy and filled with healing energy, this exercise can be done also inviting your angel so that specific trip with you to a site where you have some disease, or physical discomfort, traveling there to that inner place and irradiate with its light and with his angel, that space affected in your body, make a healing love, ask to your angele that he put together his love with yours and work together to heal that area of your body, then you increase the light to which the subtract body receive improvement also. I hope that practiqueis this healing, and meditation for you and your family or friends, with faith and devotion.. . For assistance, try visiting Jerry Dias.


Understanding that competition and the differentiations are increasingly more difficult we must appeal to our imagination to know how to attract customers, thanks to the divine nature that is the only thing you can count on to compete, so that the invitation is to focus efforts on the Merchandisng, continue reading and you will find because the previews should be closely linked and must be consistent with other parts of the sales process. At Ford Motor Company you will find additional information. To have good result in the commercialization of products generally must be fixed is in the image of the store of clothes and the atmosphere, as well as the array of merchandise and sample, if it’s a small or large clothing store, the basic concepts in marketing are the same. You cannot think in the mistaken concept that the merchandising usually spending money and that is only enough to wait for the client to enter to store and do a good job in selling. On the contrary, the Merchandising has an important role that it plays in the sales process. The paper the merchandising starts since before serving the client, even from the doors. Merchandising will determine how customers perceive the store is necessary to think about the first impression you want your customers to see the store. The purchaser forming one idea or expectation about the store from the outside when he sees her for the first time, a part of the brain called the Adaptive unconscious makes an assessment of your store in just 3.2 seconds. At this time it takes into account store, signage, and individual associations and the preconceptions are evaluated and judged.

Your showcase or display case has an enormous work to be done in that couple of seconds. It has to communicate the escancia of everything your store has. From the first impression, the buyers make a judgment about your store fits your needs or not. The perception of your warehouse can be completely different from the image that you are trying to project. In the practical sense, to implement what they read in the previous paragraph, before decorating your window you must think as thinks your client and you focus on that it would draw attention, create a theme around your needs to be able to attract to your warehouse. To find out if the job is well done, requests concept to your relatives and neighbors requesting information on how they perceive your showcase and preguntales when see it, what type of individual you are thinking? Trafficking of decorate the interior with the same theme of your display case, so the customer enters tuning, sits satisfied and in their environment, thus the sale. If you want to know how to decorate your showcase professionally visit the following link enters the Merchandising original author and source of the article page

Architectural Drawings

The architecture has been defined as the art of designing and constructing buildings. This is a profession in motion, given that it has evolved with the passage of time due to diversification in the styles of construction and local customs which influence the design, plans and materials used in the construction of both private and private homes. The role that architectural planning has served in the field of construction throughout history is extremely important. Although some buildings have gone up in an improvised manner and without an established order, it can be said that many other buildings have continued building guidelines specific derivatives of the architectural study and a preliminary design. The use of architectural drawings and other similar edificativos diagrams dates back to ancient times. Defined ideas that architects had about dimensions and distribution of each of the rooms and units of work that address used to outline in writing on the same planes, many times down to the smallest detail.

Archeological findings reveal interesting details about the construction practices of antiquity. Many of the houses were of a very modest construction, even rough. However, it was not rare to find with luxurious and complex, buildings generally private homes of upper-class people, palaces and other government buildings. Many of these had up to services of pipes for hot water, ventilation systems and other advanced features that contributed to a more comfortable life. The distribution of these services was already detailed in the planes of the era. High knowledge of mathematics and physics, among other sciences, of several ancient cultures could be appreciated in these works of architecture planning. To mention just one example, the pinpoint accuracy in general measures and the angles of the pyramids of the ancient Egyptian Empire, attests to the care with which it was projected This colossal entrepreneurship. The same can be said of civilizations such as the Sumerian, the Babylonian and Greek, in which architectural representations in stone cylinders, Papyri and parchments, among other writing supports, which would be the precursors of construction plans that we know today were found.

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