Author: Sarah

Weight Loss

Simple and clever take off without being hungry nearly every woman should the problem know that missed the start of the summer-grade weight loss. The time has come already something to show more skin or a new bikini for holidays to buy. However, your figure is still dissatisfied and feels uncomfortable with the current weight. Diets with starvation and abandonment are out! Often radical diets were recommended for slimming whose results but the known Yo-Yo effect again dampened, so that then quickly the enthusiasm over the quick success was gone. There are different views, as you quickly get to the desired weight, can also continue to keep this. Some swear it to convert your nutrition program so that carbohydrates in the food completely are omitted, which however can be a very beautiful ordeal in everyday life with work and family. Other swing every day after work on the bike to cycle to the next gym, and then in the Middle to torture other slimming fanatics to persen devices. Many women, increasingly more and more men are looking for a way to reach your ideal weight in a healthy way. It is not something Unifor would like to discuss.

Three meals a day, but cleverly combined who does not want to submit to a radical diet in which the enjoyment factor completely out of the life shall be deleted and one at some point out of sheer frustration over the fight against the cravings quitting everything, can try it also with the Precon diet. The principle of three meals is easy to comply with, only the snacks need to be removed from the diet. Been considerably reduces the calorie intake a day. It is allowed to choose a meal of the day according to your own preferences, even according to the proven diet program by Precon. Fast successfully to take off, this should be as breakfast, which provides the energy for the day. But if it doesn’t fit in the own time schedule, confidently a different meal can be prepared even intended.

For the other two Which provides meals Precon diet products in a variety of flavors and the various products ready, so that the nutrition plan offered a varied mixed diet. It is attention at all diet products on a high mineral and vitamin content, so that no deficiency symptoms can occur. Quickly and easily prepare, versatile can be combined and even still tasty – such a diet makes it possible to lose extra pounds in a healthy way. Already after a short time it has become accustomed to the three meals, and so also keeping the desired weight is much easier than in traditional diets, so that the desired figure should be finally also by duration.

Emperor Maximilian

He also demonstrate the high emphasis, the art in his eyes. Because, in contrast to the then conventional wisdom, he wanted to see the painting is not (only) as a craft, but to a point much higher based on her. To show the many ways of representation in Durer’s pictures, here are represented from the great work of only three examples: watercolor pond in the forest of 1495, 1506 Rosary Festival, as well as Emperor Maximilian I in the year 1519. His sense of the perspective representation is perfectly expressed in each. Learn more on the subject from Digital Cameras. And although Durer worked only between 1518 and 1520 officially and particularly the theory of proportion, his mastery is evident already in much earlier works. In the representation of Saints around Maria about Durer proves his ability to group many people, that they but indicate the Central persons, the Virgin Mary with the child Jesus, but also independent figures may be regarded as strongly.

The late Portrait of the Emperor is shown almost photographically exact; the landscape shows almost impressionistic trains, however, in the only hint of shaping of trees, for example. Durer’s Championship is manifested also in the choice of colors. He used deliberately, to show not only clear accents, but to make the composition also sent. The waters in the foreground of an intense blue, which is repeated in the rear remote hills is at the pond in the Woods. In between is an area in very bright colours with which he really puts the main motive in the limelight. Also at the feast of the Rosary, a strong blue is the central motif is shrouded in such a garment.

The color repeats itself slightly toned down in the sky and in the clothes of a figure on the right edge of the image. Although still red, green, and even shades of Brown in the painting, the color scheme is by no means overweight or too colorful. Rather, it creates Durer to let everything flow perfectly into a harmonious whole. In contrast to the shining The portrait of the emperor at first glance appears almost dull colors of the two first paintings. But the serous shades of Brown and dark green to owe probably mainly the topic. And the fine drawing of all details in face and clothes Maximilians I. indicates the ruler towards not only a great homage, but shows also skillfully implemented craftsmanship of the painter.


The cheapest prepaid cards are offered in July 2012 in the German mobile market many prepaid cards and tariffs. To get an overview, offers a comparison of the current prepaid cards on the German market since 2007. Under a prepaid card or credit card, refers to a mobile phone SIM card that is loaded on demand with a particular wallet, the desired services of the provider can be used with the. Here the given cost control, as well as the Elimination of basic fee and minimum sales contract are beneficial., regardless of the current comparison lists on the Web page, the lowest prepaid rates compared to according to different criteria and published every month. Talks by the or find no account abroad. In July 2012, one finds the cheapest prepaid tariffs as follows: for calls to German landlines only is we group mobile, an offer of the WAZ, with 3 cents per minute remains the cheapest Tariff. The prepaid card costs once 7.95 and contains 5 credits.

The offer is based on the eplus infrastructure. For phone calls in all German networks, the rates of n-tv are go!, connex, hellomobil and winSIM for 6 cents per conversation minute preferred. To get the SIM card at n-tv go! and connex for one-time 9.99. Hellomobil the SIM card costs 9.95 and winSIM once offered the card for one-time 14.95. All four SIM cards include a starting credit of 5. n-tv go! and connex are based on the infrastructure of eplus.

hellomobil and winSIM use the o2 network. On the phone you rarely and will be accessible only for the emergency, then, a cheap prepaid SIM card is sufficient, because the minute price then does not play the main role. Currently get free four SIM cards: the o2 ticket, the SIM card from netzclub, the xtra card free CallYa talk and SMS ticket.

Everyday Life

the stress factors at a glance dates, time pressure and disputes within the family or at work that causes stress almost 9 out of 10 people. Here, women stress especially interpersonal conflicts, whereas men more negative lead settle unrest and environmental influences. The current survey of the wellness trip organizer beauty24 reveals the greatest factors of stress in men and women. Berlin, May 21, 2012. The result is clear: 88 percent of women and 82 percent of men feel stressed by everyday life. But what exactly are the stress factors? beauty24 this question to the bottom and found the following: both sexes are equally under date and time pressure. Follow others, such as hybrid bikes, and add to your knowledge base. The fact to have family and work under a hat, charged at least every second woman and already every third man. See Medical Billing Software Market for more details and insights.

It is interesting that women in particular of disputes in personal relationships can be stress. Conflicts with the family or a partner more go them on the kidneys than men. Female employees feel also rather overwhelmed and are more vulnerable to bullying by work colleagues and suppression of the chef. These factors, however, not so much burden on men. Let it more negatively affect from noise and the pressures of constant availability. But also Unterforderung can lead to stress: seven percent of respondents indicated that. The results at a glance: You feel currently stressed by everyday life? Reply total women men yes 86.7% 87,51% 81,56% No 13.3% 12.49% 18,44% what you think are the biggest factors of stress in everyday life? (Multiple answers possible) Responses total women men time and time pressure 78,89% 78,92 78,72% family and work under a hat to get persistent noise 47,98% 50.05% 35,46% 43.64% 43,46% 44,68 constant overwork 42,53 43,23% 38.30% forced to permanent availability of 30.91% 30,74% 31,91% existing family disputes 30.51% 32,16% 20,57% bullying by work colleagues 26.97% 27.21% 25.53% Conflicts with the partner 24,55 25,21% 20,57% suppression of the Chief 18,79% 19.43% 14.89% permanent Unterforderung 7.47% 7.66% 6.38% which was beauty24 online survey conducted in may 2012 with 990 participants.

About beauty24 of Germany’s no. 1 for wellness in the network beauty24 is one of the largest operators and intermediaries for exclusive and high-quality beauty and wellness in Germany, with a worldwide Wellness vacation offerings from 8,000 well-being feel programs in more than 650 hotels, DaySpas and thermal baths. has been identified as the strongest range site for wellness of the WebValue of the market research firm GfK in 2010 and 2011. Wellness is an essential part of a healthy life style for beauty24. Therefore, the company with its committed for a healthy and sustainable life for years. beauty24 wellness are available about the Wellness Web site, in TV and direct sales. The wellness consultants are their customers by 9 7: 00 on the free Wellness vacation hotline 0800 / 2400044 or by E-Mail at as a guide to available. A constant quality management ensures a high level of customer satisfaction. The company was founded in the year 2000. Press contact: brand gold PR Manja Buschewski coin Street 18, 10178 Berlin Tel. (030) 219-159 60 fax. (030) 219-159 69

The Trenntwende

The Trenntwende shows: Berlin is full of ideas and projects, the creative and engaged with the Deal with subject trash. (Source: Medical Billing Software Market). The competition is in the center of the service campaign Trenntwende, titled our city. Our garbage. Click omega 3 for additional related pages. The idea!” Berliners and Berlin to waste prevention and recycling, informed and motivated. “” On the campaign website visitors with the MullCheck can test your knowledge and find out whether they a trash ring “or the sly Mullionar” are. Also informed the campaign of the Berliners and Berlin regularly with current topics on the subject of waste separation, waste prevention and waste recycling.

“In the current topic garbage and money” Berliners and Berlin, as they improve the household budget with their alleged waste, and where they can donate discarded household appliances and furniture to charitable institutions. The Trenntwende: Together the Trenntwende with funding from the support fund Trenntstadt Berlin of the Foundation conservation Berlin supported. Concept and organization, the non-profit co2online is GmbH responsible, which in numerous campaigns for climate protection and a sustainable future focuses. The Trenntwende is supported by bpg BerlinPlakat GmbH, Eclipse GmbH, EUREF AG, GSW Immobilien AG, Markisches land bread GmbH, memo AG, Tetra Pak Germany, online shop and the city magazine zitty Berlin. At the same time, the campaign is supported by the Senate Department for urban development and environment. About the non-profit co2online GmbH which GmbH ( is non-profit co2online is a for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection.

A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online brings together players in the modernization market, initiated among others by the “” Federal Environment Ministry sponsored consumer campaign climate seeks protection “( and the German team in the Energiesparcup funded by the European Commission” ( Contact: Boris Demrovski co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65-25 fax: 030 / 780 96 65-11 E-Mail:

Dutch Netherlands

User test successfully passed in the area of waste disposal. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out hybrid bikes. Hamburg, 23.04.2012 (pkl). Service for 260,000 residents and 3,500 businesses. 300 employees and 90 vehicles the company Rd4 Reinigingsdiensten has a large catchment area in the Netherlands and therefore much responsibility. To more effectively comply with this obligation, they decided to integrate of a telematics system that checks all the processes and make them more efficient can be. What needed Jos Vroomen, CIO of Rd4, was almost a complete package. “The vehicles and containers at a glance to have seemed to be a total package to be difficult due to the long search weigh something to automate orders to manage and a scan function for the Dutch waste passes: for a long time we are looking for a suitable for us telematics system, which fulfills the desired functionality and requirements.” The telematics solution couplinkyourfleet”was already Beginning of 2011 at one of our user tests successful and convinced well at another practice test in the Netherlands the authority Rd4 Reinigingsdiensten.

The first benefits of the solution by coup link simple and fast integration showed quickly, because the installation went quickly and without time-consuming interface programming. By the rapid and uncomplicated adjustment coup link could keep the installation costs when compared to competitors. The link of the coup group implemented our requests in a very short time, even special programming were implemented quickly and cost-effectively. The price-performance ratio is unbeatable and so not to be found in the Netherlands. “, as Jos Vroomen.” Dutch market has some features the Dutch market has some interesting features. So, there is waste passes, each inhabitant of the Netherlands has. This show, how many garbage bags Gets a resident within the framework of its trash fees available and may be used. They will have about the waste disposal system ENWIS are processed. A scan function for these codes was thus extremely important.

Planned Changes Of The Income Tax And Turnover Tax Law

Employer may smartphones and software tax and social tax free employee love leave dear reader! With our today’s newsletter we want to inform you about planned changes of the income tax and value added tax law, as well as a recent decision of the German. Employers must leave tax and social tax free only a business personal computer or a mobile phone for private use their workers. Bike House may find this interesting as well. This shall apply also for smartphones and software. This can be many payment arrangements, which are beneficial for employers and employees. Horse lovers must, however, deeper access into the Pocket. The delivery of riding horses to the reduced rate of tax of 7% no longer subject to from July 1, 2012, but the 19% tax RuleSet. The final post informed of a decision of the German to the distance allowance.

Then a longer road connection routes between home and work can also then obviously be convenient if it leads to a slight time savings. It is no longer necessary that saves at least 20 minutes. We wish you an informative reading with our today’s newsletter. Employers may smartphones and software tax and social tax free employee left already since the year 2000 employers can make tax and social tax free a company cell phone or a personal computer operating their employees (also) for private use available. This should also apply to data processing devices such as Smartphones or tablets. In addition the employer can be free of charge also system and application programs for private use available, without accruing income tax or social security contributions.

So far, software could be left only favors if it was installed on a company computer. System programs such as operating systems, virus scanners, or browsers the tax benefit will only be granted however when used in the operation of the employer. Computer games may be left not tax-free.

Olching Version

IXI-PCS Professional call server in version 1.20 Olching, may 2, 2012: now the servonic’s CTI-solution IXI-PCS in version 1.20 is available. In addition to a redesigned user interface and enhanced operating comfort has the German Software House simplifies administration, the performance increases that automates journal archiving and expanded number of supported PBX’s. IXI-PCS is an easy-to-use and cost-effective client/server software, the CTI functions as well as providing jobs for Windows, Mac and Linux presence management and Instant Messaging. A visually completely redesigned interface expects the users of servonic’s CTI software in version 1.20: the IXI-PCS partner bar with improved tool tips as modernized as the function buttons in the IXI-PCS client. Furthermore, serVonic the operator comfort improved: the user can no longer just with a mouse click, but also quickly and easily using the keyboard the IXI-PCS features press. So he can start, for example, in addition to the hotkey for call” just open other Windows button.

On the server side, the IXI-PCS group management, performance and archiving has improved serVonic. It is now possible to administer a wide variety of users simply and effectively, as well as to archive the IXI-PCS journal interval-based. Another highlight of the IXI-PCS version 1.20 is the cooperation with other telecommunications systems. Support in cooperation with telephone systems IXI-PCS is standards-based and is based on TAPI and CSTA. IXI-PCS therefore does not necessarily require a separate middleware, but can work directly via CSTA XML or with the original TSPs of TK manufacturers together. The use of third-party middleware is also possible. Prices and availability of servonic’s IXI-PCS Professional call server available at serVonic and sales partners from 393,25 plus VAT. More information at serVonic and

Vital Parameters

L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informs an intensive care and home respiratory supplies patients in their own home environment. This is necessary, if they continue intensive care must be looked after after a hospital stay or must be supplied due to disease. So patients can live independently in your own four walls of the age. While it maintained medical and custodial. A central task of intensive care is the monitoring of vital parameters. Accordingly, the intensive care service informed L & W from Planegg. Monitoring vital functions especially in patients who require intensive medical care, is essential to the monitoring of vital parameters.

These vital parameters are values that show the basic functions of the human body. You indicate whether important vital functions of the body such as consciousness, breathing, and circulation are correctly given. These must without interruption work, so that the person is at all viable. A monitoring of the patient is necessary to control the vital parameters. This is performed by using apparatus and surveillance monitors. This parameters such as EKG, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and temperature of each patient are monitored permanently. The continuous control is important, because any deviations from the norm can be quickly identified and treated immediately. Otherwise might have life-threatening consequences for the patient. For details of the intensive care service available L & W from Planegg at any time.

Digital Purchase

Shrimp cocktail at just 19 dollars in the purchase of any stock 4. Check out Unifor for additional information. 15% discount on your medication when you pay your 5 inquiry. Beer to only 10 pesos on the purchase of your 6 saucer. Medium pizza at only $49 in the purchase of a family member 7. Charro beans at only $15 in the purchase of a chicken 8. For more information see this site: Jewish Communal Fund. Litre of oil to only $10 on the purchase of 500 or more in spare parts 9. T-shirts to only $49 in the purchase of any 10 pants.

Waxing only $19 in the wash and sucked your car 11. Rabies vaccine to only $49 in the hair cutting your puppy if you realize don’t close prices almost all are to the number lower if it is 100 pesos looks better and attracts more one figure less than 99 pesos. Also put the phrase on the purchase of a single, help much, seem phrases, but they are actually selling words and phrases. It is good to take into account that you can put up to 4 irresistible offers from, the rest of your prices should be fair, remember that they are causing is to enter a time inside have to do them to buy, to buy more and who return on a regular basis the following month. The irresistible offer can also be done by day, obvious in the day that unless there is traffic or per hour at the time that you don’t have many clients, I do not recommend giving something free because people already know that nothing is free, should be analysed very well if you give something free, depending on the product or service.

But now as we say to that traffic of customers and cars that we have an irresistible offer to increase customers, will do this know with advertising. The advertising that I recommend is to place a canvas Digital outside of the local or the street put offer breaking through irresitible on an easel paste stickers in crystals of the Windows of the business or on the entrance door. Flyers, paging, radio, press ads, tv ads can also be made, remember that we need people to know and this marketing strategy, is only a hook so that the client grasp it. In promoting I recommend you do not attempt to win him much, sales volume, that they might know what you’re going to win is more, new customers, get the test earned the least possible 1, 5, 10 pesos, your winnings will be another because your goal is another, the increase customers. You can also set a goal to find out how much you will win, tries to sell i.e. 10 irresistible offers in one month and takes control and thus you will realize how much was sold and how it worked the promotion and if did not work try with another, get that comes out.

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