Animals and Nutrition

Scientists conducted experiments on animals, some of which receive good nutrition, and another – an excess amount of fat. As a result of this experiment the first group of animals was well adapted to life and was able to solve all facing the problem animals, as well as a beautifully developed physically. Animals also are overweight, well-fed fatty foods, such tasks could not. All this in the same measure to the man. The fact that fat prevent good absorption of much needed brain sugars, and therefore the prevalence of body fat would nullify the absorption of sugar. That is why for the development of mental abilities in the first place should lose weight, but also change your diet, the deletion of unnecessary fatty foods. Proteins = acceleration due to mental activity proteins are important, not less, than carbohydrates.

It is through protein hormone adrenaline and dopamine, which arousing the brain, accelerate all reactions, including thought processes. More energy – more productivity. Add protein to your diet, whether plant or animal origin. In this case, make sure that animal protein was not fat: fish, seafood, low fat meat. Of vegetable protein food choices is especially rich: beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, eggplant, nuts, mushrooms. Vitamins and minerals: natural makeup Practically there is no such vitamin, which would not affect the memory, reaction speed and many other features.

For example, iron, zinc and B vitamins significantly improve memory, and the lack of them in the diet essentially it worsens. Perhaps check out Chase Koch, New York City for more information. To obtain these trace elements and vitamins should absorb pepper, bread, seafood, green vegetables, beans, fruits, milk, flour products, cereals. Calcium and magnesium are responsible for activities nervous system, and since the brain consists of nerve cells that transmit impulses between them is of paramount importance for the brain as a whole. These trace elements are contained in dairy products, bananas, peanuts, oranges, wheat germ and dried apricots. We should not rush to the artificial vitamins sold in the pharmacy. The best are those that are contained in natural products, especially since all of the above products are not in short supply. Overeating – tug Even observing a correct diet is not easy sometimes misused by some especially delicious and favorite foods. It would be wrong to think that the more beneficial for the brain of the product we eat at one time, the easier it will be for us to think. On the contrary, the more we eat, the less force remains in the body in any activities other than digestion: immediately after the regular meal, blood rushes into the digestive organs, instead of the brain. Thus, mental activity slows down, and for a few hours we are unable to actively think and work. To solve this problems reconsider your diet in the middle of working or school day: eliminate heavy and fatty foods, decrease portions of starchy carbohydrates, but can lean on protein – it will stimulate mental activities. Do not neglect, and water! American studies have shown a marked improvement in school students with frequent use of clean drinking water throughout the school day. But do not confuse the water with the coffee: caffeine dehydrates the body, but in higher concentrations and does give effect opposite to that which he is usually credited. Thus, here are the basic rules of food "for thought: 1. Do not overeat 2. Replace sugar with carbohydrates 3. Eat protein 4. Drink more water