You see, he only free cheese in a mousetrap. I was about 15 years, and I was looking for second jobs on the ads. And pecked at the announcement, there was required to send regular mail envelope with the coupon and oa bo, and then daat ads, take a people's money for the information and give the very same ad. It is also proposed a set of books about earnings through raffle tickets, and more. Now 15 years have passed, trying to get out of the Internet, and I see …. well tezhe, pancake nafik, most schemes.
My view: the man who wants to earn, he will look for alternatives. One of my employers taught me this: who wants to work, looking for opportunity, who do not – want an excuse. Here they write, for example, fishermen network scam. type say, if the brow is not 30 bucks for a normal domain, it is already suspected of decency. I do not, honestly, and to implement their ideas, I'm looking bps options, not options to find suckers. For example, there was a topic that asked what if there earn. I answer, they say, download a price on my site, go to the owner of a trading company in your city, tell me something that only a small part of the range, the product is certified and class = elite. offered his services intermediary if a serious businessman, then he will pretend to stopudovo that the same product will come to his city through a dozen brokers and space-wrap, and contact us directly and pay for delivery – is much more profitable.