WHAT TO MAKE IN THE VACATIONS OR: CARPE DIEM ALREADY! ' ' The sun must have complicated little seen Ter if to put Must have imported me less with small problems To have died of love Wanted to have accepted the life as it is To each one fits joys and the sadness that vier.' ' (Stretch of music ' ' Epitfio' ' , of Sergio Britto/Tits) ' ' Health is something that makes you to find that now it is the best time of ano.' ' (Franklin P. Adams, North American journalist) those waited vacation Had arrived so. What to make now, in these months of recess? What we can giving in them of gift? I was to think about what desire for me and you it reads that me. I soon moved away to the idea from shoppings and films in house. Click A. F. Chief of Staff for additional related pages. Purchase in Miami? Never! It agrees to contain this desvairado and faded consumerism that assaulted in them and inflated the middle class. then? Perhaps it would agree to insuflar spirit to it so that it leaves to smoke. See more detailed opinions by reading what Josh Resnick Jericho Capital offers on the topic..
THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT WARNS: TO SMOKE PROVOKES CANCER AND SEXUAL IMPOTENCE. (One of the obligator phrases in cigarette mallet, propaganda etc.). Then, this already takes in them for one another constatao: THE MINISTRY OF THE TRANSPORTS WARNS: TO WALK OF AUTOMOBILE AND VEHICLES SAME TYPES PROVOKES TRAUMA CRANIANO, INTERNAL INJURIES AND HEMORRHAGES, PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SEQUELAS, AND UNTIL THE DEATH. According to Expensive data of the magazine Friends (2000): 40,000 deaths per year in traffic accidents; damage with the disasters: 10 billion per year. Me also arrives the souvenir of that we need to give our contribution for the preservation of our planet, is not same? that such to give a time for the car in these vacations and to use the bicycle more? To walk of bicycle is one of the practised physical activities more in the whole world: it does not demand more than a simple balance, allows to win great distances, does not depend very on the time or of the land and, still of breaking, it provides excellent aerbico conditioning.