Geography Professor

To instigate and to use the positioning of the pupils, to problematizarem the subjects and to bring diversified for the lessons that despertam the interest of the same ones, can contribute for the insertion of this, as subject of the pedagogical process, contributing so that it can intervine ahead of the social injustices. It disciplines it of Geography many times involves contents that, for understanding of the pupil become necessary the use of different didactic resources being the joint agent pupil and professor, where these professors search in its knowledge this practical thus preventing the deficiencies that appear in the education of Geography. He is possible in this direction to evidence the contributions of a good superior formation at the moment of the prxis, therefore he is in practises that if he can and he must launch hand of all knowing acquired as: planning, didactic structure of the lesson, resources, methods, experiences and the proper professional performance on the practical one.’>click here. The professor of one disciplines specifies with an attitude to interdisciplinar opens possibilities of being a professor-researcher because he must select the contents, methods and techniques worked in its discipline and disponibiliza them to contribute with an object of study in interaction with the professors of excessively you discipline. (Pontuschka, 2009 p.145) This author affirms that the professor must know well disciplines and if to feel it insurance when assuming the commitment to transmit to the pupil its content of positive form, knows that one professor qualified in Geography most of the time does not search subsidies only in didactic books without a real commitment with the pupil, being thus mentally ill to the systematic mechanism and without the responsibility to exert knowing and learning with the knowledge that he acquires through a specific formation, the pupil instigates who remains with the doubt of its proper agreement. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital has many thoughts on the issue. The professor of Geography has not been conditions most of the time to form inside of a critical process that also allows it to become true ' ' judge crtico' ' of the didactic book, and he starts to be victim of this, leaving of a premise that nor always is true. .