Month: October 2020

North Caucasus

The question – where you can relax in Russia? I would say – not bad for the North Caucasus region of our country. Was there a short time, while serving in the army, the republic of Chechnya. I am pleased to have again visited the place. It hurts so nice there – Mountains, forests, country Highlanders. We traveled there through the republic of Dagestan – the city of Khasavyurt. Next on the trucks to the camp, which was located at a height, near Shali. Sport Hybrid Bikes is a great source of information.

The first few days had to adapt to there the atmosphere. Is right to say to the air pressure I guess. The first morning – like a hangover. His head ached, but it is 2-3 days. In what feels so good. Fresh mountain air and the beauty around you.

Village at the camp, and the snow-capped mountains behind. That's all in fact it was so beautiful. Forests amazing – it consists of some bushes, then trees. Mixed deciduous – consisting of beeches, oaks, and various other trees. Roam the mountainous terrain requires certain skills climbing in the mountains. Often meet walnut walnut. They are there very few people apparently collects, so we stuffed them in the fall. Can be found from the time the fighting various parts of the home base, with trenches and underground bases militants, which have survived only a roof. By the way, these bases are actually insurgents admiration. Warm home underground, no one was visible from the outside during the war. The most amazing thing in these places can be a month for three times feel the winter, spring and three times three times the autumn. But this concerns the winter. Changeable weather. Learn more at this site: igor kononenko. A couple of days and all the heat is melting, more like a night can namsti snow, then again all melted, then dull autumn days. Here this cycle is probably from December to March. Road course in the mountains, not asphalt, and dirt galore. And if you ever go down that road cars – it's such glinolin. Just the river here is very fast. It is difficult to pass the ford, when he stood on the road. It is also painfully steep uphill climb in, if it is high. You get tired quickly. Closer to the heights, there is generally good. Verney took height and provides an exquisite space. The feeling when the clouds under you. So it is. In the morning you see around the ground where you stand around like the sea, far away islands, whose role is played by sticking the mountain. He did not say the most important thing. Hunting for wild boar. They are there so many, and they wander about like a flock of cows. At night, stopping anywhere else, you can hear as they pass by his crowd, grunting. If you successfully take the path, then every night they pass through it at about the same time. There I first tried kabanyatinu. Honestly anywhere else and never tried it. The meat is excellent. Differs from pork. Do not even know what. But the difference is felt. Here I am wondering to B then, and someone there to hunt them? After all, Muslims do not eat, I think kabanyatinu as and pork. Not a bad idea to have a house in the mountains, and go from there to relax and rare hunting. I would just in Chechnya, in the depths of the mountains, would be a hunting lodge, and gladly went once a year for a week to combine hunting and travel.

Mesolithic Years

Main-canopy Kiik-Koba in the valley Zooey, 8 km south from the same village. It has an area of about 50 m. For even more details, read what hybrid bikes says on the issue. In 1924-1925 GG Here archeologists found flint tools and 500 Acheulean-Mousterian period (about 100 thousand years ago), and a lot of bone remnants of an extinct fauna of the Crimea, including the mammoth. Entrance to the grotto Kiik Koba has southern exposure. On all sides to the grotto rises deciduous forest.

Syuyrensky main-awning is Belbekskoy valley near the village of Tank. Go to hybrid bikes for more information. Grotto formed by weathering of the limestone hill. In the parking lot of the Mesolithic archaeologists found numerous flint tools, as well as the bones of extinct animals, including the cave bear, mammoth and reindeer. Entrance to the grotto has a southwestern exposure. More than a hundred years ago, in 1891, Dr. Igor kononenkos opinions are not widely known. Franklin D. Weber, seeing mutilated outrageously sinters in the cavities Suuk-Koba Koba Binbash, suggested the need to protect these caves, and in 1894 the Crimean mountain club was organized in Chatyrdag shelter in order to preserve these unique monuments of nature.

Unfortunately, after the revolution, the activities of the Crimean mountain club has been terminated, the caves were once again without guardianship. And today is an excerpt from the topical magazine visited the caves in 1901: 'At the present time the predatory hand devastated tourist cave, despite requests and the prohibition of …' Do not want to seem intrusive, but can not recall that even the most expensive and fancy pearl mollusk created in the months and years, and therefore has a high though, but a price. Cave Treasures created by nature thousands of years, and because they are priceless.

United States

The thing in the United States should look different. Here are annual growth rates of 46 Percent expected. The growth opportunities for German renewable energy according to the will of Google, 2030 cover all power needs in the United States. Bold plans may be, perhaps too bold, but Google can follow actions. The company invested $ 700 million alone 2011 already in green energy. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from medical billing. $ 280 million serve in support of SolarCity.

The company bills itself as the leading in the United States full service company provides private homeowners, businesses, and government organizations with solar systems. But in the US market is not only a place for U.S. investors. The German company Siemens has secured recently, for example, a 16-percent stake at Semprius US solar company. Other German investors decide Meanwhile just between New Jersey and St. Petersburg, Florida as the site of a large solar plant. It is expected to produce electricity for resale. For the plant, an area of about 303.510 m is expected to be m up to over one million square feet (75-250 acres) are used.

Investors expect that caused by the plant 100 jobs in the United States. The U.S. solar market has room for small as great entrepreneur many a German in the United States so far inaktiver entrepreneur from the solar industry should even think, whether a U.S. subsidiary for him could make sense”, says Max Karagoz company ALTON LLC ALTON LLC has successfully worked for several years as a supporter of German entrepreneurs in the United States. The bandwidth of the entrepreneurs supported by ALTON ranges from software experts on helicopter service provider to the International Auto trade. The company’s founder ALTON helps to establish a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation in the United States. The company acquires all formalities and offers for this purpose after matching homes or help in the search for qualified employees accompanying services such as search. Max Karagoz sees certainly also opportunities for German emigrants from the in the US solar market Crafts, specializing in photovoltaic installations. Also for such entrepreneurs the United States could become what so many like to associate with them: a country of (almost) unlimited possibilities!

Nuremberg Germany

The butcher’s bricklayer from Nuremberg informed the e-coli crisis aroused once more public awareness of the importance of high standards of hygiene in food production. However this is by no means it is a new need, as the Nuremberg to report butcher Mason knows. Meat is one of the most valuable but also most sensitive food. Medical billing may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Compliance with strict hygiene rules is therefore in all stages of its processing of the utmost importance. According to these findings, the wholesomeness of their products for butcher’s Mason has highest priority, unless for slaughter, transport, manufacture, or sale. The Nuremberg specialists for Romanian and Franconian meat and sausages are convinced that compliance with hygienic standards customers is their responsibility and must form the Foundation of their goods at any time. Quality orientation of the Nuremberg butcher starts with the selection of its meat suppliers, because a high-quality Base is absolutely necessary in order to meet their demands. A particularly important aspect of quality control is the permanent control of the meat suppliers and their fresh goods of battle.

From the outset, prevents forces charged meat in the other production processes through agents. Of course, no potentially harmful micro-organisms with the meat to be processed within the framework of the meat processing may come into contact. Thanks to controlled internal operating procedures, sanitation and clothing rules, butcher Maurer in this area meets the strict requirements of a European company entitled to the EU export. The consumer buys meat and sausages, it behooves him from this point on, to ensure their proper storage and processing concern. In this context health experts to strongly advise, to wash your hands with SOAP before preparing food or to disinfect and prevent as a transmission of pathogens, met everyone in everyday life. After the thorough cleaning of all used equipment of food preparation is recommended.

Caution is advised in dealing with sponges or dish cloths, providing a moist, increase pumping air germs. You should be frequently changed or washed at high temperatures to prevent the propagation of microbes. For a healthy enjoyment of meat and sausage products, compliance with hygiene rules on manufacturers and consumers is essential. Further, the Nuremberg butcher Maurer at any time provides information about this topic. Press contact butcher Maurer contact person: Mrs Sanford on the Werderau 12 90441 Nuremberg Germany phone: 0911 / 642 60 99 fax: 0911 / 486 44 56 email: Homepage:

Many People Want To Own A Home It Is Valuable

“Living replaces traditional assessments Heike Maria Bachus, architect & Feng Shui expert, Wiesbaden interviewed Executive Vice President for real estate marketing, Monika M. Rosler, PPM AG 04.07.2011 woman Rosler, as Board member of AG PPM you are now leader in the area of the other” real estate marketing. You take a completely new point of view and thus demonstrate an extraordinary sense of the trend. To deepen your understanding Digital Cameras is the source. Analysis of market and demographic trends, as well as new approaches characterize their trend-setting approach. An existing real estate must be evaluated in order to determine a price that can be set in the event of the sale, the auction or other sale or integration into a fortune, is known to me as an architect. There are best practices, are subject to some relevant rules.

If you’re talking about a market value analysis, is that something very similar, right? Yes and no. The Yes”refers to the intention of finding a value in an appropriate Context is quantifiable. The context will be a currency in the majority of cases. The no vote”against its texture, the facilities, clearly the previous approach, which mainly focuses on the building, so mass and size of the building, if necessary. the earned value and execution. So come relatively high values for real estate that no one wants to buy anyway and who themselves stubbornly and over the years convince anyone to become an object of desire. A market value analysis, as we PPM AG they perform for the appraisal of real estate, focuses first on the building, but on the people. We deal more life styles angle on since 2002 very intensively with the qualitative impact of demographic trends so and start from there, to analyze a property.

The question is: what life style would fit on this property. It appears at the same time irritating how challenging. You first make the building in its actual state on square 2 and select appropriate target groups? How exactly does that work? Target groups in our understanding are defined by the life style and the needs of everyday life that are crucial to keep the selected style as effortlessly upright.

InternetPost Comes Good On

Positive response meets the nerve of the time and the dialog marketing industry presentation during the days of mailing offering the internetPost. Your PostCube combines the possibilities of advertising information and postal services with the opportunities of social media and Web 2.0. While the business model of the internetPost is open to many partners: advertisers and agencies, postal operators and list brokers can use the PostCube as white-label platform under its own name as well as under the brand of internetPost. The special feature of the business model ensures high credibility and confidence in the PostCube: the user data of PostCube are at the Association for the protection of interests of users (EC in formation), which ensures data protection, privacy and adequate participation of users in the value of their data in self-government. We make adult social media”, says Walter Trezek, Supervisory Board of the cooperative and internationally recognized dialog marketing and post market expert. Many Internet users criticizing the lax handling of privacy policy and the invasion of privacy in the Web 2.0. With many young surfers, the sensitivity for this is still not sharpened. At the PostCube, we will ensure that data sovereignty always remains with the user.

Web 2.0 socially leaves adolescence and grows.” Companies like postal service providers, advertising companies, lettershops access users represented by the Association over the PostCube. So that they can reach a dedicated and interessentierte target group, because users must actively give your consent (opt-in) may receive advertisements from a specific company or a specific area of interest. The platform first and foremost through a fee that is paid by shippers for access to the personal PostCube of the user is financed. Our offer is open to all who want to make their communication more effective and reach mature, dedicated users”, explains Andreas Schumann, CEO of internetPost. Precisely this aspect is at the mailing days on a good Found resonance. We have discussed our business model with many interested parties from the Dialomarketing. I am confident that partners develop from the many conversations and contacts out, who want to work with the PostCube.” The PostCube is currently in the test phase for a limited circle of users.

So far, it offers services letter box, Robinson list, white list as approval list for advertisers and moving message. In the coming weeks the test expands, before the official start of PostCube after the summer holidays already practical experiences in the operator concept can be taken into account. Profile internetPost AG the internetPost AG develops products in the field of digital postal services and transmits the traditional paper-based post offers on the Internet. A digital home letter box serves as a core offering for it. This mailbox will receive comprehensive users self-government. They can decide both your digital and your paper mail, whether and how they they want to send and receive in the future. To the right of disposal over the own data to strengthen, are user accounts and profiles in the Association for the protection of the interests of users”spun off. Thus, users get a powerful tool with which you can shape the services of internetPost. Their data are deprived of control of individual companies. Contact: internetPost AG, Andreas Schumann August Bebel Street 26-53 14482 Potsdam phone: + 49 (331) 279-789 94 fax + 49 (331) 279-789 95

Learning In The Web 2.0: Blended Learning

Fraunhofer IAO and HP launch blended learning training and development center the Internet turns ever more to the participatory media. Omega 3 takes a slightly different approach. The possibility of the participation of each individual to the information gathering and dissemination has expanded a new dimension to learning and teaching; various learning platforms such as wikis, blogs and forums today characterise vocational training. Increasingly changed the self understanding of teachers and learners, which today also likes to change roles: the students become the teachers and collaborate through the channels of Web 2.0. These developments in training practice to take account of the Fraunhofer IAO in cooperation with Hewlett Packard (HP) launched a blended learning training and Development Center in the etz Stuttgart. The opening took place on July 11, 2011. The performance of the Center includes training of participants in blended-learning courses, online coaching for moderating in multimedia learning environments using mobile devices, application, and Moderator training in the virtual classroom, workshops for the educational development of classroom scenarios and their technical implementation or for the design of Web-based learning environments and lessons in virtual learning spaces.

With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design. With the support of HP, the Fraunhofer IAO of the training offer, performs systematic case studies in the technical area. The studies help to identify the potential of blended learning and design.

Autumn Special For Portugal:

Sunny Cars discount on each rented car booking gives 20 euro a Munich, 28 June 2011 (w & p) also soak up the Sun in the autumn, and with a cheap holiday car in Portugal, gas can give vacationers with sunny cars: the car rental brokers has launched a news autumn special and gives a discount of 20 euros for a car in Portugal on all bookings until July 4, 2011. The action for the travel period 1 September to 31 October 2011 for the Portuguese mainland, but also for the flower island of Madeira and the Azores is valid. The minimum rental period is 5 days. Portugal is a popular tourist destination with its coastline and pleasant temperatures in the autumn. Who would like to discover the country and its people Besides swimming in the Atlantic, can take varied excursions by car. Historic buildings, romantic villages, massive rock formations, as well as a remarkable coastline turns here. Not to mention featured cities such as Porto, whose City Centre since 1996 to the Is one of UNESCO World Heritage site. Portugal carefree discover it means with the included services provided by Sunny Cars.

All important services are included in the intermediary for Portugal car rental prices, including a fully comprehensive insurance without excess (also for damage to glass, roof, tires and underbody), a car theft insurance without excess, as well as a liability coverage of at least 7.5 million euros. Also included are airport deployment and fees, unlimited mileage as well as all local taxes. Who would like to use the current autumn special sunny cars for Portugal, 20 Euro discount on the holiday car reservations can until July 4, 2011 in the travel office, on or 089 – 82 99 33 900 back up. About Sunny Cars: The owner-managed company of Sunny Cars, celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2011 and provides car rental at more than 5,000 holiday locations worldwide in over 90 countries. While the broker works only with contractors, the his high quality and service standard.

Success With Women – Can You Learn That?

The secret reason why the men if the women fail, I have people with a lot to do, the problems with women. And one of the things I’ve noticed is that almost any man who is “a loser” in women, has an excuse – a “good reason”, things for him not go, as they should. I think that most people, who are not successful in women, carry a “secret excuse” with it. They think that this is the reason, that they are not successful. A secret excuse for failure. For some, it is because of their size, for some it is their age, for some it’s their income… More info: SLAC. and for some men, it is a reason outside of itself… maybe it is the place where they live or where they work.

What is your secret excuse why you not gelingst with the women at the level you wish? Your excuse is not a big secret, as you think it. Here is the most interesting part of this special phenomenon… no matter how “Private” or “personal” your secret excuse is, it is usually to! “” And you know what? I guarantee you that in this world are many, many people who have overcome precisely the same situation and are now successful with women. “” I think that this “secret excuse” machtunsManner easier, avoid the Realitatzu. The reason for the failure is located in ourselves… It is our way of thinking and acting. But the problem with the secret excuse is the excuse themselves, but the fact that most men do not know how they could overcome their secret excuses. Secret excuses can themselves incorporate so much in our minds, that we never can imagine what impact they have.

If you think that women you attracted not, because, we say, overweight”, then you will not even try to meet women. You will assume that it has no commercial anyway. This leads to even worse problems, such as fear of going out, fear before People, etc. If you decide that there is a large reason that prevents your success with women, it will affect your life. So, what is the solution? I would say that this is at least a two-step process: you have to identify your own “secret excuse”, and you have to look around, find examples of men who have overcome the same “obstacle” and are now successful with women. Which will you provide some real evidence, that your problem is not final and irreversible. You need to get an education about women so that you will learn how you can attract them to you. It’s really amazing that you can find plenty of books about computer in bookstores, but not about women and attraction. What is going on here? No one wants to learn? Fortunately, there is a book on this subject: “Double your dates” by David DeAngelo. I can recommend only that every man.

The Sweet Art Of The Chocolatier

There are many types of art that is genusslichste but the art from various ingredients to create a true palate clit Confiserie Sadath handmade chocolates and Pralines. For Ilona Schadauer and Bert Cleemann, art is her biggest passion in any case around, and with chocolate. The sense of sweet delights in the cradle is Ilona Schadauer and Bert Cleemann, because both grew up in a bakery / pastry shop. There, it seemed that both chose the creative work of the pastry chef. Ford Authority is full of insight into the issues. They were even on this very sweet way.

Together they took over the already existing confectionery Schadauer and invented a few years of later SchokoladenArt “.” This new business idea allows their passion for chocolate to the fullest to live out the two. Additional information is available at Juice Scorpion. The raw materials must be really top, then only one can produce a product with the highest standards. With this aim in mind, the two searched for the finest chocolate and were also looking for: the cocoa beans from the processed in France the world’s best growing regions and finally in Seitenstetten, in the heart of the Mostviertel region to which we so love delicious, hand-rolled ball of truffles, liqueur Pralines, getunkter Marzipan, and of course chocolate bar made handmade and with self of dried plum or apricot columns, for example. The nuts must be naturally flavorful precisely tuned to the chocolate. The two waaaay must taste it and they really don’t hate to do. And there we have the proof: chocolate is just happy! You must taste just as much joy of life and love which put the two in your products and it really tastes.

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