Month: July 2020

Benjamin House

For Benjamin (1993, P. 173), ' ' what it matters, in these images, is that they exist, and not that they are vistas.' ' as it observed the filsofoalemo, ' ' nothing in the tactile reception does not exist that corresponds what the acontemplao represented in the reception tica' ' (Idem, P. 194). However, arecepo through ' ' distraction that if observes increasingly in all osdomnios of the art and it constitutes the symptom of deep transformations nasestruturas perceptivas.' ' However, the picture is the proper depreciation of its authority, a time that the matrix is copied, provoking, in accordance with Benjamin, the fall desua ' ' aura' ' , that it is the only appearance of a distance, for more pertoque the object can be. When this distance if materializes, objeto' ' aurtico' ' it gains authenticity and authority.

The aura would say respect sbelas-arts before the reprodutibilidadetcnica, tributriadeumaexperinciaestticacontemplativa, fetichistaqueestarialiquidadacomasmudanassociaisdecorrentes of the innovations techniques, as the photograph and, in the sequence, the cinema. The cinema would be one novaforma of art that would contribute for the advent deprofundas transformaesnouniversodasartestradicionais, as, painting, music, architecture, etc. To another scene involves the personage Rashid, a young black quesalva the life of Paul Benjamin. In one of its andanas, behind of its past, Rashid for faces of an old house. It is made comfortable there exactly, looking at the emestado house of ruin, at the same time where it scribbles something. The principle in revelando what the personage draws, but in the sequence of the images, does not notice queo scribble, nothing more is of what the drawing of the old house. In the use of the directions, Rashid draws an old house carefully, in a meticulous process, dandoforma to the image captured with the eyes, different of a photograph that capturada for the eye of the camera. The painter (tracer) goes giving to form, launching curves between the black color of the graphite and the white of the paper.

John Rawls

public home is the sector of management of revenues and expenditures of the State and lies beyond the domestic home and the market economy. I agree with the following point mentioned in the book society should be organized in such way that generate the feeling that belongs to it in its members get. According to John Rawls of political philosophy task to elaborate a distributive justice which can be shared by all its members. This theory has several difficulties. One of them is the fact that there are groups with different ways of seeing life in pluralistic societies. How to organize the coexistence between different points of view is a problem. Quoted from the book the man you want to be happy, instead the citizen expects justice be done by society to goods as to be able to start your project happy. The following phrase seemed interesting: only a person who feels Member of a particular community, which proposes a particular life form, only who is acknowledged by the community as one of their own and takes on his identity as a member of it, may feel motivated to become involved in it.

Not enough justice to live, make lack sense and happiness found in communities. Define us the term of citizenship as: A mediator concept, since it integrates the demands for Justice and those who are members of the community by the feeling of belonging. It is clear that sociality is the capability of coexistence, but also to participate in the building of a just society, in which citizens can develop their qualities and acquire virtues. Why who surrenders to their private affairs ends up losing, not only your real citizenship, but also his humanity. We mentioned that the countries that have taken the welfare State body would have to transform a citizenry accustomed to demand in a citizenry accustomed to participate in common projects, assuming responsibilities.

A society that wish to take into account this approach, should be aware that undertakes to meet strong demands as: the guarantee that the participation of citizens in public affairs, whether political or economic, will occur in conditions that make it significant, implying radically transform society. I liked this book by the way in which the author proposes a citizenship that represents a point of Union between individual sentiente reason and the values and norms that we have as humanizadores. The author constructs a theory of citizenship can convert to the whole of humanity in a community based on solidarity.


As it is good for being able to think about each detail that involves the marriage. To mark the date of the ceremony, to choose the type of reception, to inform to friends and relatives, to invite the page, daminha and the godfathers, to decide for the invitation, to organize the tea of kitchen (or tea-bar), to dream of the fianc dress Are as many item that, many times, we finish leaving of side a small detail, but that it is basic: the hairdo for the great day. Obviously, it is not necessary definiz it with antecedence months, but, as well as any another made choice, this must be thought with well-taken care of affection and. This because ' ' cabelo' ' it needs to be in harmony with the type of face of the fianc, the chosen dress, the schedule and place of the ceremony and even with the trends of the fashion. People such as medical billing would likely agree. It seems much thing, n? But it is not. A decision always finishes leading to the other and so on. In the day where you mark the date and the schedule of its marriage, for example, already are predefined a series of questions, as the type of fabric that will be able to give origin to fianc dress, the flowers that will go to compose its bouquet and until the wreath or ideal arrangement.

I go to explain, to be more clearly: a fianc who goes to be married during the morning, in a small farm, for example, must prevent a satin dress repleto of brightness and embroidering, as well as a bouquet in dark tones and a wreath repleta of strass followed by a long veil. After all, nor the fabric, nor the pedrarias, not even this type of wreath and veil combine with gram, sun and with all the accidental and relaxed climate of the field. These details more are indicated for ceremonies carried through at night and in closed place, since they demand glamour very, brightness and requinte. Another good tip is to make the test of hair and maquiagem with the professional of its confidence about one week before the marriage. It has taken magazines, it shows references and it says what you prefer. The hairdresser and the maquiador will know to advise to make it optimum, and the test will serve you to have certainty that everything will leave jeitinho that it always wanted. Then, it is felt inspired and it conferred the hairdo that more is adjusted to its style, to its physical type and the characteristics of its marriage and shortness, shortness very. After all, this moment is only deserves to be lived deeply in each detail. One remembers that this is the beginning of everything, a new life that will come. A new family being born, a baby and alone God knows what more

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