Saints System

An example is of the Shell, that already it declared to be studying to refine in Brazil the oil produced in the Basin De Campos (Bijupir-Salema, who produces since 2003, and BC-10, Park of the Shells, that started to produce in last June), what it would be extremely healthful for the country. But the fact is that the majority of the operators it will have to export the rude oil, resulted of its exploration. The used argument does not seem decisive to justify the exchange of the model, of that the concession system more is adjusted the areas with bigger risk while the allotment system more would be adjusted in areas of low risk as of the daily pay-salt. She is necessary to attempt against for the fact of that the risk of the daily pay-salt can thus not be so low, if to judge for the failure of some recent punctures. The risk seems to be lesser for the Petrobra’s, which had to the deep knowledge that developed, of the geology of the region. Petrobra’s perforateed today until, 37 wells in the daily pay-salt, and got 87% of success, being that in the Basin of Saints, the gotten success was of 100% (all the pierced wells had found oil or gas). Some operators had faced failures.

The folklore that already starts to be formed, affirms that Petrobra’s, due to the geologic knowledge of the region, had as certain the failure of some punctures of other operators. On the other hand, the management of the taken risk is a question water; the thickness of the salt layer. Nobody doubts that Petrobra’s goes to exceed all these difficulties, pero that wools hay, wools hay. Finally, the arguments that classify the producing countries in democratic, steady and advanced, that they would prefer concession systems, and autocratic, politically unstable and are risveis delayed contemplating the allotment, and with scarce reserves (importers) they adopt the system of concessions.