Convenient Features

Once refrigerators perform only one function for which they, in fact, were invented: chilled and frozen products, ensuring their continued preservation. Music downloads describes an additional similar source. From time to time, these units had to be disconnected from mains, wait for the melt formed in the freezer and on the walls of ice, and then removing all the water and wiping the inside of the dry, reconnect. In winter, thawing did not cause any problems – the products just endured the cold and in summer, especially in hot weather, it was too complicated. Who else remembers the pots, covered with blankets, which were waiting for frozen foods waiting for the moment when they were again placed on the shelves already garnered the desired temperature refrigerator. With modern refrigeration models are quite different. Their developers are increasingly focused on ease of operation, making more and more improvements. Now managed with fridges it is much easier, so much so that it can make even a child. Automatic defrost one of the first innovations was the function No Frost, completely free from the tedious owners refrigerator defrosting manually.

Thawing formed on the inner walls of the refrigerator and freezer frost by the windy way, as it happens as follows. Built-in evaporator fan blows – the cold cooler element. The cooled air enters the chamber on a special air duct channels so formed in the process of the fridge the moisture freezes on its interior walls, and settles on evaporator. With automatic cut-out compressor frost, due to a small heater, thawing, and the resulting moisture evaporates safely. The second option automatic defrosting by means of system Frost Free, which operates on a drip type. In such refrigeration evaporator is usually built into the rear wall. Since this part of the freezer, the coldest, ice formation occurs only on there. After the automatic the compressor frost melts and the resulting water runs down on a special groove in a special tray above the compressor.