The Emissions

In face of this economic, ecological, space scene that presents negative impacts in the scopes social,/geographic and cultural, proposals have been elaborated with objective to prevent greaters damages and/or to revert part of these consequences. One of these proposals, elaborated for the ONU in set with its countries members, says respect to the creation of the established Mechanisms of Flexibilizao in Kyoto in Japan. 2,3 Protocol of Kyoto and the Mechanisms of Fexibilizao Searching the development sustainable, the Protocol of Kyoto appears in 1997, as one treated between the involved parts aiming at, mainly, to stimulate the transference of resources of the countries developed for the ones in development, thus these if develop ambiently with correct bases, (DIXON, SCHROEDER, 1998) In the Protocol of Kyoto it was established that the developed countries will formal go to reduce its emissions of gases to attenuate the effect greenhouse in 5% below of the levels de1990 with the objective for period 2008 – 2012. Such action means the reduction of hundreds of millions of tons per year, with an enormous cost for these economies. These countries must repass the comprometimentos to its respective industrial sectors, through the creation of taxes on .causing emissions of gases of the effect greenhouse. These sectors will have to find alternatives of if to adapt to the new costs of production or the limits of emissions, (GARLIPP, 2003) as the important point is the concept of commercialization of credits of kidnapping or reduction of .causing gases of the effect greenhouse. Being thus, the countries or companies who to reduce the emissions below of its goals will be able to vender this credit for another country or companies who had not reached the waited degree of reduction, (DIXON, SCHROEDER, 1998) One third point of the agreement says respect to the accepted methods to carry through the reductions of the emissions.