Web Site Development

Creating a resource site includes the steps of:-development and coordination of design, writing software parts, filling-home resource text information and photos, testing of the resource-allocation of resources on your hosting All our sites are equipped with a convenient control panel (the engine), which allows the resource owner in the home to edit and update their own web site. After work, the resource owner provides detailed instructions for use and site training is delivered. Terms of creation of the resource depends on the complexity of software and design, the timing of approval of design and the availability of a resource owner materials. On average, the establishment of a resource is a month .. The cost of a resource is defined starting from the complexity of the program: the numbers of language versions, the availability of guest books, news feed and availability of design: the numbers of designs (whether all sections are decorated the same way), the presence of 'cover' of the resource – the splash page when you log on to web-resource availability of Flash development costs of the resource in our studio starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Any Architectural project is evaluated individually, depending on certain requirements. We offer:-production of multi-lingual sites, creation of sites with flash animation of any complexity, creating sites with individual design each section, any number of vspomogaelnyh modules (tape news, blocks for replacement banners, photo galleries and much else) Creating Web – Site. Fundamentals of Web-design Why a website? Web-site – your electronic office. Click music downloads to learn more. Sites created for different purposes. However, since the Internet became a medium for economic activity, the sites are primarily for business, ie profit. It is known that there are now two main areas of operation of the Internet Business: Internet as a means of communication, a source of background information, promotion and marketing tool for businesses (business) out of electronic networks and the Internet as a tool for e-business, based on the principles of the networked economy. In the former case, sites are created for the formation of the company's image, of an effective advertising and marketing research to find new customers and increase sales, and for service and information assistance to clients. (Similarly see: Randall Mays, San Antonio TX).

In addition, sites can be used as information channels for exchange of information with partners. Sites also are used as a means to help full-time and part-time teaching and training on a course of action. In the case of II-m – sites meet all the above features and, in addition to being an instrument of electronic or online business. In this case, sites act as trading platforms, which include: Internet – exchange, and auctions. etc. Sites used for the provision of financial services (online payment systems, exchange offices, etc.) and so on. Moreover, sites needed for distance learning, which is a form of higher education. Thus, maintenance of electronic business (e-commerce) without a website is not possible.