Stiftung Warentest

Energy saving is in many households still very rare, it would greatly reduce the cost. Electricity and gas fast money can be saved by comparison and switching. These can set frequently by hand which contracts for consumers are most appropriate. Especially when comparing current prices can save this all kinds of money. For apartments little Comune, the extensive amount of gas and electricity suppliers has increased savings potential. Single households consume less than a large family, and can therefore better plan the consumption. In the wake of lower consumption, cheap fares, which should not be left result for consumers.

Also the gas supply can be compared in addition to electricity natural gas now also on the Internet can be compared to different providers. Natural gas as a sensible heating system compared to electricity can reduce natural gas usually in addition costs. Gas is economical in use and can be comparatively economical consumption. With current The performance is even more intensively to use natural gas techniques. This has the effect that gas is often preferred. However the cost of natural gas are often not fully apparent and must be examined carefully. Usually a gas comparison can help when searching online.

Such a helpful compares the tariffs and agreements of suppliers and guaranteed a useful overview. But the rates of differencing utilities should be viewed in addition pronounced. So it can happen in rare cases, that few providers increase the charges shortly after the signing of the contract or have coupled advertised premium payments only on certain conditions. Thus, feel many consumers often unfairly treated and try the contract to terminate, which is then harder. For customers is independent of gas or electricity rate comparison, important to consider what expenses as a result of a change of provider can arise. The monthly cost for the full period of delivery are essential. Offers should be seen therefore exactly. Help independent results of Stiftung Warentest or other institutions researching the appropriate utilities. Also the consumption decrease can help save many electricity or gas customers consume too much energy. In many households, heat or light is wasting pointless because the ease of their own interest is to save. It, much energy can be saved through simple measures. The Internet can serve as a useful source of information for this purpose and are available with help and advice. Portals such as, for example, show what measures must be taken to reduce the costs in the household efficiently and sustainably.