Yves Cousteau

Spacious san-Dec suitable for relaxing holidays. There are two hammocks in which to sleep with pleasant rocking – lulled. (For a more detailed description, see the section, “Boats,” and if you want to go on this boat safari – complete the form.) Now on Dive sites: Safari in the program includes a visit to the reef system of Light House Reef. A key point of this safari is the Blue Hole – one of the most amazing dive sites in Belize. Photos of Blue Hole, made from a helicopter, began calling Card dive sites in Belize for divers worldwide.

In the heart of a coral platform Light House Reef on the background of an emerald sea surface gapes deep blue hole diameter of 400 m and a depth of 145 m. This geological phenomenon was discovered Jacques-Yves Cousteau in 1970. during the expedition on his research vessel “Calypso”. Way “Calypso” in the space above the pool, “Hole” was held over the shallow part of the reef corals of the team and brought a lot of anxiety Cousteau minutes. Today, visitors of this site follow the route laid Commander. Today, the South entrance to the pool, “Holes” use small boats that bring divers from neighboring islands. Whereas the opposite side used for parking safariynyh yachts. Dive in and one in second place …

At a depth of about 40 meters under the peak, hovering over the abyss, one can observe the giant stalactites. There is a feeling that you in the midst of the colonnade of a Gothic cathedral. There are several versions of this natural phenomenon. On one of them, there was a big ancient coral reef. During the Ice Age and the retreat of water coast, it was the sea surface. Then the rains came, protochivshie in the reef limestone caves and formed the failure. Salts of calcium carbonate formed a supersaturated solution of water in the space of the cave and turned to minerals, forming a picturesque stalactites. Over time, the sea level rose, forming what can be seen now. According to another version, Blue Hole was formed as a consequence of the collapse of the ceiling giant underground dry caves space which was flooded by sea. Under the rules existing at the safariynyh sides in Belize, technical diving is “illegal.” Therefore, to find among the stalactites divers is not more than 7 minutes, which is not allows you to fully enjoy the contemplation of the beauties of Blue Hole. Nevertheless, the impressions received even in that short time, strong enough. At the same time, the dive in Blue Hole for trained technical diver presents significant challenges (but is of considerable interest.) Unfortunately, helium is not available in Belize, which limits the level of technical diving outside ER. It is also necessary to remember that boards are no “doubles”, and aluminum cans only have YOKE connectors. Thus, the “amateurs tinkering” gripper “on the spot” – a great space for creativity … In addition to Blue Hole, Light House Reef has many interesting places to dive. This Eagle Landing, Half Moon Wall, Tarpon Cave, Uno Coco, Que Brada, Aquarium, Painted Wall, Abyss West. The dives are mainly run along the steep vertical walls. During virtually nonexistent. Visibility of 30 meters. After the safari on a motor yacht , Legion Club ORCA continued their familiarity with Belize. Our route lay to the border with Guatemala, to the lost jungle haven for travelers’ Jaguar Paw.